United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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'Detention operations . . . have evolved significantly since 2003,' said Army Lieutenant Colonel Ed Bush, making clear that the Red Cross now can see all detainees...Still, he added, 'It is important to understand that SOPs, by definition, undergo periodic review and change as situations warrant.'
  Name(s:) Edward Bush
  Title: Spokesperson
  Agency(ies): United States Army, Department of Defense
Concerning: Guantanamo Bay, Standard Operating Procedures, SOP
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/mWVEj
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Lieutenant Colonel Ed Bush, a Guantnamo spokesman, said the document, which was labelled Unclassified, for Official Use Only, should not have been made public, even though much of it was outdated. Many changes to operating procedures had been made since then, he said.
  Name(s:) Edward Bush
  Title: Spokesperson
  Agency(ies): United States Army
Concerning: Guantanamo Bay, Standard Operating Procedures, SOP
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/avWnq
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