United States vs. Manning

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The breathtaking extent of corruption perpetrated by the family of the former Kenyan leader Daniel Arap Moi was exposed last night in a secret report that laid bare a web of shell companies, secret trusts and frontmen that his entourage used to funnel hundreds of millions of pounds into nearly 30 countries including Britain. The 110-page report by the international risk consultancy Kroll, seen by the Guardian, alleges that relatives and associates of Mr. Moi siphoned off more than 1bn of government money. If true, it would put the Mois on a par with Africa's other great kleptocrats, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Nigeria's Sani Abacha.


Last night, the Kenyan government confirmed that it received the Kroll report in April 2004. But Alfred Mutua, the government spokesman, said it was incomplete and inaccurate, and that Kroll had not been engaged to do any further work.


Kroll confirmed last night that it had previously done work for the Kenyan government. A company spokesman was given extracts of the report seen by the Guardian. 'We cannot confirm or deny that this report is what it purports to be,' he said. 'Nor can we talk about the scope, content or results of any work we have done for the government of Kenya, which remains confidential.'
  Name(s:) Xan Rice
  Title: Reporter
  Agency(ies): Guardian
Concerning: Kroll
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/5WMxg
WikiLeaks Publication KTM report
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