United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Mr. Speaker, since WikiLeaks has begun releasing American top secret information that it obtained illegally, there has been a debate about how our Nation should respond to this. I believe that the actions of WikiLeaks provide material support to our terrorist enemies, so it should be treated as a terrorist organization. Others have argued that WikiLeaks is simply a media organization and, therefore, it is protected under the First Amendment.

Well, consider for a moment the most recent statements by Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, which I believe show exactly what he isa terrorist. Assange has spread across the world an encrypted document which he claims has even more vital national secrets that he is going to release.

Assange calls this file his 'insurance' file, and he has threatened to release this information if he is captured or if he is charged with any violation of law.

Those, Mr. Speaker, are not the actions of a journalist. Those are the actions of a terrorist.

Even President Clinton recently said that lives will be lost because of the release of this information. But still, Mr. Speaker, we still have not heard anything on this issue from our current Commander in Chief, President Obama.

The silence from President Obama, our Commander in Chief, is absolutely baffling.
  Name(s:) Candice Miller MI-R
  Title: United States Representative
  Agency(ies): United States House of Representatives
Url: Url Link
Candice S Miller, US Representative from Michigan
Authoring or Creator Agency: LittleSis
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