United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Lynn told reporters here that the 400,000 documents posted on the Web are stolen material.


'We don't think it should have been released,' he said. 'We're disturbed about the implication, particularly with the volume of it in that it gives insight to potential adversaries to how we operate, how we interact.'


'Indeed,' he continued, 'there are groups out there who say they are mining this data to use against us. We think it's problematic in that sense.'


The Internet is much more mature today, he said, noting 'the idea [now] is to get as much of the relevant intelligence out to the field as possible. We tried to change the process so the intelligence is available to warfighters, when they need it. We don't want to change that. It's an important element in the success we've had.'
  Name(s:) William Lynn
  Title: Deputy Secretary of Defense
  Agency(ies): Department of Defense
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/x2k1l
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