United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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AsiaNet: There was a lot of discussion recently regarding the WikiLeaks cables in India. Has it embarrassed you or has it affected your foreign policy initiatives?

Assistant Secretary Blake: I can't really comment on any of the WikiLeaks cables. We are in the process of prosecuting those who were responsible for this. We consider it a real breach of trust in our security. But our relations between the United States and India are very very strong and we're certainly able to manage things like this that come up.

[Problem with recording.]

AsiaNet: There's been a lot of discussion about the WikiLeaks cables in India. Has it embarrassed you? Has it affected your relations between the U.S. and countries mentioned in the leaks?

Assistant Secretary Blake: I can't really comment on the specifics of WikiLeaks. We condemn those releases. We consider them very much a breach of security. But as a general matter, I can tell you that they have not had a major impact on our bilateral relations. Our relations are very strong and we consider that India has got to be one of our defining partnerships of the 21st Century.
  Name(s:) Robert Blake
  Title: Assistant Secretary
  Agency(ies): Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Department of State
Concerning: Cablegate
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/TVRih
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