United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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The next chart kind of puts this problem in a global perspective. This is the world according to oil. It's what the world would look like if the size of the country was relative to how much oil it had. Now we've got to modify this a little because WikiLeaks just exposed some papers from Saudi Arabia that said they've been fibbing about how much oil they have, that they really have 40 percent less oil than they said they have. That's true I think of all of the OPEC countries, because back when they could produce enough oil to drive the price of oil down, they could produce a certain percentage of their reserves.
  Name(s:) Roscoe Bartlett
  Title: United States Representative
  Agency(ies): United States House of Representatives
Concerning: Cablegate
Url: Url Link
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