United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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In February 2011, national security experts warned that cyber attacks are the greatest future threat to the United States' security. Because any Internet connection will suffice for criminal purposes, more defendants will reside and operate from outside the United States. As people increasingly rely on the Internet as a place to work, shop, and store valuable information, more emphasis will be placed on protecting computer systems from hackers, protecting on-line personal information, and defining electronic privacy. Law enforcement will depend on international collaboration to investigate and collect evidence overseas. Courts, legislators, and regulators in the United States, the European Union, and elsewhere are already grappling with questions concerning government investigators' access to individuals' digital communications and data to investigate law violations. The Wikileaks investigation is a recent example. Cross-border discovery of ESI is a hot issue before the European Commission's Data Protection Working Party.
  Name(s:) John Haried
  Title: Assistant National Criminal Discovery Coordinator
  Agency(ies): Department of Justice
Url: Url Link
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