United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Mats Gehlin (police officer): Any follow-up questions? O.K. then, is there anything you want to say before we terminate the interview?

Julian Assange: Yes.

Mats Gehlin (police officer): Go ahead.

Julian Assange: I was contacted by a mutual friend of Anna and me [SONJA WHO?] on Friday, the 20th [WHAT TIME?]. It was a woman named Sonja [SONJA WHO?] who was at the hospital [WHICH HOSPITAL?]. She said something about DNA and the police and I was very upset to hear that. No one alleged anything. It would be a long story if I were to go into that. It does not seem relevant.

Mats Gehlin (police officer): OK so we hereby conclude the interview.

Julian Assange: We can always continue if it is needed. But the main thing is that I and other people [WHO?], we heard a bunch of unbelievable lies [WHAT WERE THE LIES?], and heard that I was to meet Sonja [WHO IS THIS?] on Saturday afternoon to discuss the matter. Anna [ARDIN] had no accusations, and no one had any intention of going to the police and so on. That is how I expected things to remain until I heard the news in Expressen.
  Name(s:) Julian Assange
  Title: Editor in Chief
  Agency(ies): WikiLeaks
Concerning: Sweden versus Assange
Url: Url Link
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
Assange & Sweden
Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
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