United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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19 August 2010 Sofia Wiln phones Anna Ardin to seek assistance in contacting Assange. It is not clear what they discussed with each other or with Assange. Ms. Ardin asks Assange to move out of her flat, which he does the following morning.
  Agency(ies): Nordic News Network
Concerning: Sweden versus Assange
Url: Url Link
The following night, Anna stayed with a friend because she did not want to be with or near Assange due to his strange behaviour. She had also said after Wednesday 18 August that she no longer wanted Assange to reside at her flat [DID SHE ASK HIM TO LEAVE? WHEN? UNCLEAR], which he did not act upon until Friday [yesterday], when he took his things and returned her key.
  Name(s:) Sara Wennerblom
  Title: Interviewing Officer
Url: Url Link
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
Assange & Sweden
Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
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