United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Assange is the principal speaker at the seminar; Anna Ardin plays a key supporting role. Assange spends the afternoon with Sofia Wiln, during which they engage in heavy petting and agree to meet again. That evening, Anna Ardin arranges a crayfish party in Assange's honor and expresses great delight at the company she is keeping. Alternative lodgings are offered to Assange, but Ms. Ardin invites him to continue residing at her flat.
  Agency(ies): Nordic News Network
Concerning: Sweden versus Assange
Url: Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system


However, Sofia got no further response, and suddenly one day she saw an advert with the time and place. The presentation was to take place in the headquarters of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation at Norra Bantorget on Saturday, 14 August.


She [Sophia Wilen] sat at the far right in the front row of the meeting room. The speaker would stand at the left front. Everyone else in the room seemed to be a journalist. A half-hour before the presentation was to begin, Anna asked Sofia if she could help by purchasing a cable for Julian's computer. A cable was lacking, and Sofia had [emphasis in the English Translation] offered to help out. Sofia went up to Julian to find out what type of cable he needed. He explained what kind it was and also wrote it on a slip of paper. She took the paper and placed it in her pocket. Julian said contemptuously, 'You didn't even look at the note'. She replied that she didn't need to, as he had already explained what type of cable it was.


She took a cab to the Webhallen shop on Sveav_gen Street, but it was closed. It was 10:30 a.m. and the store would not open until 11:00. But that was when the presentation was scheduled to begin, so Sofia became a bit stressed. The cabbie drove her instead to H_torget Square, where she bought two variants of the cable for safety's sake. She got back in time and had the right cable, but received no thanks from Julian for helping out. The presentation went well.
  Name(s:) Irmeli Krans
  Title: Interviewing Officer
Url: Url Link
To my question Anna replies that she knew about Sofia, because she had been in contact with Anna before the above-mentioned seminar and was in the audience at the presentation. According to Anna, Sofia had purchased electrical cables for Assange, and had joined Anna and Assange for lunch after the seminar. Anna noticed that Assange had flirted with Sofia during lunch and understood that they subsequently had begun some sort of relationship, because Assange had rung to Sofia later in the evening during the crayfish party at Anna's place.
  Name(s:) Sara Wennerblom
  Title: Interviewing Officer
Concerning: Sweden versus Assange
Url: Url Link
WikiLeaks seminar Stockholm Sweden August 2010 SVT Forum
Authoring or Creator Agency: Wikileaks Press
Suspicious Behavior,The strange case of the WikiLeaks editor and the Swedish prosecutor
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
Assange & Sweden
Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren
Authoring or Creator Agency: Nordic News Network
"Sweden versus Assange
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