Assange is the principal speaker at the seminar; Anna Ardin plays a key supporting role. Assange spends the afternoon with Sofia Wiln, during which they engage in heavy petting and agree to meet again. That evening, Anna Ardin arranges a crayfish party in Assange's honor and expresses great delight at the company she is keeping. Alternative lodgings are offered to Assange, but Ms. Ardin invites him to continue residing at her flat. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I [Irmeli Krans] conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
They went out via the inner courtyard, and she [Sophia Wilen] went to the toilet. When she came out, he was lying on his back and resting on a permanent picnic table; he said he was exhausted. He was due at a crayfish party at 8:00 p.m. and wanted to sleep for 20 minutes before departing. They lay down beside each other on the grass, he with his arm around her. He dozed off and she woke him after twenty minutes. They walked off across the grass, passing cows and Canada geese. He held her hand; it was pleasant in every way, and he said, 'You are very attractive_ to me_.' During the Cosmonova performance, he has also said she had lovely breasts. She asked him if they would meet again. He said that of course they would, after the crayfish party. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
To my question Anna replies that she knew about Sofia, because she had been in contact with Anna before the above-mentioned seminar and was in the audience at the presentation. According to Anna, Sofia had purchased electrical cables for Assange, and had joined Anna and Assange for lunch after the seminar. Anna noticed that Assange had flirted with Sofia during lunch and understood that they subsequently had begun some sort of relationship, because Assange had rung to Sofia later in the evening during the crayfish party at Anna's place. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |