United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Q On another matter, WikiLeaks says it's going to release about half of the 15,000 documents it withheld because of its admitted concern about their sensitivity initially. Does this trouble you more than the initial release?

MR. GIBBS: Look, I would -- I don't know that it would be easy to quantify the troubling nature of the initial releases with this release as well. I think all of the releases have been troubling.

We discussed the nature of what's in these documents, why there are laws in place to ensure that documents that are classified as secret and top secret aren't posted on the Internet. It's the safety and the security of our soldiers. And I think if you go back to the beginning of -- or go back to the initial release of documents and find what the spokesman for the Taliban said specifically about names that they found in those documents, that they knew how to deal with those individuals. I think we're clear on what that means. And I think we're clear on the danger that those that are helping an effort to provide safety and security and peace to the Afghans, how that is threatened by those who wish to do us harm and those who wish to continue to garner attention for themselves by posting these documents on the Internet.
  Name(s:) Robert Gibbs
  Title: Press Secretary
  Agency(ies): Office of the Press Secretary, White House
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/Rd2az
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