United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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ii) 12 August 2010 Entry: 'SND did not receive any disciplinary reports or adverse spot evaluations and received an average work and training report.' The entry also notes 'SND stated that he would like a job in the facility library if it became possible. To this point in confinement SND's conduct has been average and has presented no problems to staff or inmates. During the interview SND was quiet, but courteous and respectful. SND answers questions but speaks very little unless responding to a question. Currently SND appears to be trying to adjust to the daily routine and observing what is going on around him. During the interview SND was well spoken, neat in appearance and maintained eye contact. SND stated that he have any suicidal feelings at this time.'
  Name(s:) Unidentified
  Agency(ies): Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig
Concerning: United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13
Url: Url Link
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