United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Kemkes asked Graham about a box containing DVDs she had collected on 7/12/09, including one disc labeled 'secret.' He proceeded to ask about whether she had searched and inventoried other items beyond digital media? She said she had not. He asked whether she knew that Manning might have gender identity disorder, and she said in fact she had. Kemkes asked whether Graham has discovered any evidence about this issue when collecting evidence for the case. She could not recall. He asked if she had found anything like that, including medical pamphlets or articles printed from the Internet. She could not recall. Kemkes asked about a specific medical pamphlet from Canada that reviewed options for dealing with gender identity disorder, including changing one's dress, hormone therapy, facial surgery, and gender reassignment. Graham again could not recall.

At this point the prosecution objected, asking for the relevance of the questioning. The objection was overruled.

Upon further questioning, Graham admitted that she had seen 'several things about homosexuality' when collecting evidence from Manning's CHU. Kemkes asked what Graham had done with these things. Graham replied 'I left it in his room.' Kemkes now asked a few incredulous questions, asking how often she had encountered similar situations where soldiers had copies of Flight Into Hyper-masculinity. Almanza admonished Kemkes, urging him to 'try to focus on the thoroughness of the investigation.'

Asked again what she did with evidence about Manning's sexuality, Graham said she 'set it to the side.' She then said plainly that 'we already knew before we arrived' that Manning was a homosexual. She added, awkwardly, 'I don't know if the proper term is transvestite.' [NB: based on the context, I don't believe Graham was confused about the difference between a transvestite and a homosexual. Rather, I believe she was certain Manning was gay but uncertain whether other factors might also make him a transvestite. She might also have been searching for the word 'transgender.']
  Name(s:) Rainey Reitman
  Agency(ies): Bradley Manning Support Network
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/VTLzn
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