United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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They [agents] asked if Bradley used his computer, but he hasn't since he left. It hasn't been plugged in since. It is with all his stuff in his bedroom.'


'They were in plain clothes and we think they had travelled from the American Embassy in London. They had a list of questions to ask. They wanted to build up a picture of Bradley's background.


'They went to him [Brian], then they went to his daughter, then they came here. But Susan was not expecting them.'
  Name(s:) Sharon Staples
  Title: Bradley Manning's aunt
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/Gwucc
FBI question WikiLeaks mother at Welsh home: Agents interrogate 'distressed' woman, then search her son's bedroom
Author: Andy Whelan, Sharon Churcher
Title: Reporter
Authoring or Creator Agency: Daily Mail Online
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