United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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The 'Not for Profit' Cyber Criminal

Hacktivist groups such as Anonymous undertake protests and commit computer crimes as a collective unit. Anonymous does not have a leader or a controlling party, but instead relies on the collective power of individual participants. Its members utilize the Internet to communicate, advertise, and coordinate their actions. Anonymous has initiated multiple criminal Distributed Denial of Service attacks against the Recording Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture Association of America, the Church of Scientology, and various businesses in support of WikiLeaks.

Just last month, Anonymous hacked into the website of a U.S. security firm with US government contracts and stole approximately 72,000 e-mails from the company and posted them online. This attack was in response to the claim that a researcher at the company had identified key members of Anonymous.
  Name(s:) Gordon Snow
  Title: Assistant Director
  Agency(ies): Cyber Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Concerning: Anonymous
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/cEz6q
The Secret Service's commitment to sharing information and best practices with our partners, the private sector, and academia is perhaps best reflected through the work of our 31 Electronic Crime Task Forces, including two located overseas in Rome, Italy, and London, England.
  Name(s:) Pablo Martinez
  Title: Deputy Special Agent In Charge
  Agency(ies): Criminal Investigation Division, Cyber Crime Operations, Secret Service
Url: Url Link
Gordon M. Snow, Assistant Director, Cyber Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Statement Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, Washington, D.C., April 12, 2011
Author: Gordon Snow
Title: Assistant Director
Authoring or Creator Agency: Cyber Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
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Cyber Security: Responding to the Threat of Cyber Crime and Terrorism
Authoring or Creator Agency: Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime Terrorism
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Statement of Jason Weinstein Deputy Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division Before the Committee on Judiciary United States Senate Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Entitled 'Cybersecurity: Responding to the Threat of Cyber Crime and Terrorism' Presented April 12, 2011
Author: Jason Weinstein
Title: Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Authoring or Creator Agency: Criminal Division, Department of Justice
Statement of Mr. Pablo A. Martinez Deputy Special Agent in Charge Criminal Investigative Division US Secret Service Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism US Senate April 12, 2011
Author: Pablo Martinez
Title: Deputy Special Agent in Charge
Authoring or Creator Agency: Criminal Investigative Division, Secret Service
database built by Alexa O'Brien and Shoofly Solutions