2010-08-31 |
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system
Sofia says she saw an interview on TV a few weeks ago with Julian Assange, who is known to be responsible for WikiLeaks' release of U.S. military documents from Afghanistan. Sofia thought that he was interesting, courageous, and admirable. During the next two weeks she carefully followed news reports, read numerous articles and watched interviews. One evening at home when she googled the name Julian Assange, she discovered he had been invited to Sweden to give a presentation arranged by the Social Democratic Brotherhood ['Broderskapet']. She e-mailed Broderskapet's press secretary Anna Ardin, whose contact details she found on its website, and asked if he was coming to Sweden and, in that case, if she could attend his presentation. She offered to help out with practical details in exchange for being allowed to attend. Anna Ardin replied that she would forward her message to those in charge. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Anna states that she is employed as press and political secretary for Sweden's Christian Social Democrats, Broderskapet. Anna says that she worked on preparing a seminar that was to take place on 14 August, at which Julian Assange had been invited to speak.
To my question Anna replies that she knew about Sofia, because she had been in contact with Anna before the above-mentioned seminar and was in the audience at the presentation. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
2010-08-31 |
Title: |
Transcript | US v Pfc. Manning, Article 32 Pretrial, 12/16/11 |
Author: |
Alexa O'Brien |
Title: |
Journalist |
Concerning: |
"United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning |
Archive Link |
Archive Link
My attitude on this is that there are two areas of culpability,' Gates said on ABC's This Week. 'One is legal culpability. And that's up to the Justice Department and others -- that's not my arena.
'But there's also a moral culpability,' he added. 'And that's where I think the verdict is guilty on WikiLeaks. They have put this out without any regard whatsoever for the consequences.' |
Name(s:) |
Robert Gates |
Title: |
Secretary of Defense |
Agency(ies): |
Department of Defense |
Url: |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/G9F4b |
Archive Link
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said he was also angered by the information leak, he said on CBS's Face the Nation. WikiLeaks has blood on their hands, Mullen said, echoing comments he made last week.
Recent statements made by the Taliban endorse the Pentagon's fears, Mullen said. The militant group told British media those Afghans named in the reports for helping U.S. forces will be hunted down.
'I feel very strongly that the continued release of additional information could continue to jeopardize' lives and impede progress in Afghanistan, Mullen said.
Although Mullen could not offer specifics, the Pentagon is working to protect Afghans named in the leaked reports, he said. |
Name(s:) |
Mike Mullen |
Title: |
Chair |
Agency(ies): |
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Defense |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/G9F4b |
2010-08-31 |
Archive Link
July 2010
When DoD material was leaked in July 2010, we worked with DoD to identify any alleged State Department material that was in WikiLeaks' possession. We immediately asked Chiefs of Mission at affected posts to review any purported State material in the release and provide an assessment, as well as a summary of the overall effect the WikiLeaks release could have on relations with the host country.
Following the completion of the review in August, when it was believed that purported State cables might be released, the State Department instructed all Chiefs of Missions to familiarize themselves with the content in the Net Centric Diplomacy (NCD) database should a release actually occur. |
Name(s:) |
Patrick Kennedy |
Title: |
Under Secretary for Management |
Agency(ies): |
Department of State |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/65JxT |
2010-08-31 |
Archive Link
Coombs was particularly interested in learning how the convening authority had become aware of Almanza's name. Almanza was unable to answer that question, stating that he'd received a call in August 2010.
Almanza admitted that he was detailed on 12/2 [2011] but continued to work in his civilian position at the Department of Justice until 12/12 [2011], but stated that he did no more work for the DOJ after that. (NB: this issue comes up later...when Coombs states that the defense received an email from Almanza after 12/12 [2011] from Almanza's civilian Department of Justice email account, thus indicated Almanza was still 'wearing the hat' of the DOJ.)
Coombs also questioned what impressions Almanza had formed about the case before stepping in as investigating officer. Almanza admitted he had read articles about the case [between August 2010 and December 2011], but that after he had learned he would be detailed to the case had avoided reading articles whose headlines indicated they were about Manning. Almanza said that, when he heard about he case, his initial impression was that if the allegations were true, this was a serious matter. But he insisted that he did not form an opinion based on what he read in the paper because the paper isn't always accurate and isn't always the full story. |
Name(s:) |
Rainey Reitman |
Agency(ies): |
Bradley Manning Support Network |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/Ug4ld |
Archive Link
AMANPOUR: Secretary Gates, thank you very much for joining us and welcome to 'This Week'.
GATES: Thank you.
AMANPOUR: Let's start with WikiLeaks.
How can an ordinary soldier sitting at his computer, apparently listening to Lady Gaga or whatever, spew all this stuff out with nobody knowing?
GATES: It's -- it's an -- it's an interesting question, because had -- had he tried to do this or had whoever did this tried to do it at a -- a rear headquarters, overseas or in pretty much anywhere here in the U.S., we have controls in place that would have allowed us to detect it. But one of the changes that has happened as we have fought these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has been an effort to put the -- put as much information and intelligence as far forward to the soldiers as we possibly can, so that at a forward operating base, they -- they know what the security risks are to them and they -- and they also have information to help them accomplish their mission.
So -- so we put an enormous amount of information out at a -- at the secret level and push it the furthest forward possible. And so it is this -- it -- it was much easier to do in theater and in Afghanistan or Iraq than it would have been at a rear headquarters or here in the U.S.
AMANPOUR: So do you now have to reassess that -- much less intelligence going to the forward bases?
GATES: I think we have to look at it, although I must say, my bias is that if one or a few members of the military did this, the notion that we would handicap our soldiers on the front lines by denying them information in an effort to try and prevent this from happening -- my bias is against that. I want those kids out there to have all the information they can have.
And so we're going to look at are there ways in which we can mitigate the risk, but without denying the forward soldiers the information.
AMANPOUR: How angry were you -- beyond the fact that classified information is out there -- the substance of it?
GATES: Well, I'm not sure anger is the right word. I just -- I think mortified, appalled. And -- and if -- if I'm angry, it is -- it is because I believe that this information puts those in Afghanistan who have helped us at risk. It puts our soldiers at risk because they can learn a lot -- our adversaries can learn a lot about our techniques, tactics and procedures from the body of these leaked documents. And so I think that's what puts our soldiers at risk.
And -- and then, as I say, our sources. And, you know, growing up in the intelligence business, protecting your sources is sacrosanct. And -- and there was no sense of responsibility or accountability associated with it.
AMANPOUR: You know, you talk about putting your sources at risk, a Taliban spokesman has told a British news organization that they are, indeed, going to go after any of those names that they find in this treasure trove of documents and they will, as they say, they know how to deal with people.
Are you worried?
I mean Admiral Mullen said that this leak basically has blood on its hands?
GATES: Well, I mean given the Taliban's statement, I think it -- it basically proves the point. And my attitude on this is that there are two -- two areas of culpability. One is legal culpability. And that's up to the Justice Department and others. That's not my arena. But there's also a moral culpability. And that's where I think the verdict is guilty on WikiLeaks. They have put this out without any regard whatsoever for the consequences.
AMANPOUR: So let me ask you about a couple of things that came out. One is the possibility that the Taliban may have Stinger missiles.
Do they, do you think?
GATES: I don't think so.
GATES: I don't think so.
AMANPOUR: The other is about Pakistan. Again raising the notion that Pakistan, no matter how much you say they're, you know, moving in your direction, helping with this fight against the Taliban and against al Qaeda, that they still are hedging their bets, that elements in Pakistan continue to hedge their bets or out and out support the Taliban and what they're doing in Afghanistan.
How much of a problem is that for you?
GATES: Well, it -- it is a concern, there's no question about it. But -- but I would say that, again, we walked out on Pakistan and Afghanistan in 1989 and left them basically holding the bag. And -- and there is always the fear that we will do that again. And I believe that's the reason there's a certain hedge.
But what I see is a change in the strategic calculus in Pakistan. As they see these groups attacking Pakistan itself, where they are more and more partnering with us and working with us and fighting these insurgents and 140,000 soldiers in Northwestern Pakistan fighting some of the same insurgents we are.
AMANPOUR: Right. But they're basically fighting the insurgents that are threatening them. They haven't gone into, for instance, these safe havens which still exist, Northern Waziristan. And General Jones, the national security adviser, has told 'The Washington Post' that these safe havens are a big question mark in terms of our success rate.
So unless they do that, cut off those safe havens, will you succeed in Afghanistan?
GATES: Well, I think we can but --
AMANPOUR: Even if the safe havens --
GATES: -- but we clearly --
AMANPOUR: -- exist?
GATES: -- we clearly would like for them to go after the safe havens. But they have gone after the safe haven -- some of the safe havens, in South Waziristan and Swat and elsewhere, places where, 18 months ago, I wouldn't have believed the Pakistanis would be actively engaged -- and militarily.
And so the Pakistanis going after any of these groups, I believe, overall, helps us in what we're trying to accomplish, both with respect to Afghanistan and with respect to al Qaeda.
AMANPOUR: But given the way the war is going right now and given the fact that the Taliban are very wily and very adaptable enemies and they do have a place where they can go across the border and hide, can you afford to wait for the Pakistanis to -- to move on into Northern Waziristan?
GATES: I think that the -- first of all, we are increasing our cooperation with the Pakistanis in terms of working on both sides of the border, in terms of trying to prevent people from crossing that border. We are increasing our forces in Eastern Afghanistan that will help us do this. So I think that -- I think we're moving in the right direction here.
AMANPOUR: But you don't have an open-ended period of time. The president has clearly said that the summer of 2011 is a period of transition. And many people are interpreting that in all sorts of different ways, as you know.
The Taliban is clearly running out the clock -- it's trying to run out the clock.
Let me put something up that David Kilcullen, the counter-insurgency expert, a former adviser to General Petraeus, said about the timetable.
DAVID KILCULLEN: They believe that we had stated a date certain, that we were going to leave in the summer of 2011. And they immediately went out and spoke to the population and said, the Americans are leaving in 18 months, as it was then. What are you doing on the 19th month? Who are you backing? Because we'll still be there and they won't be.
AMANPOUR: So that question is out there. So many people are arranging their schedules for 2011 -- the summer of 2011.
But my question to you is thi |
Name(s:) |
Robert Gates |
Title: |
Secretary of Defense |
Agency(ies): |
Department of Defense |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/QQmeM |
2010-08-31 |
Title: |
Transcript | US v Pfc. Manning, Article 32 Pretrial, 12/17/11 |
Author: |
Alexa O'Brien |
Title: |
Journalist |
Concerning: |
"Administrative Actions, United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning |
Archive Link |
2010-08-31 |
Title: |
Witness | US v PFC Bradley Manning, Warrant Officer, One (WO1) Kyle Balonek |
Author: |
Alexa O'Brien |
Title: |
Journalist |
Archive Link |
Archive Link
He was also approached by two FBI agents at the Defcon conference after his presentation on Saturday afternoon about the Tor Project.
'Shortly thereafter, two casually dressed men identified themselves as FBI agents and asked to talk to him.
'We'd like to chat for a few minutes,' one of the men said, adding, 'we thought you might not want to.' Appelbaum asked them if they were aware of 'what happened to me,' and one of them replied, 'Yes, that's why we're here.'
'I don't have anything to say,' Appelbaum told them. One of the agents said they were interested in hearing about 'rights being trampled' and said, 'sometimes it's nice to have a conversation to flesh things out.'
Marcia Hofmann, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, was in the room and asked if the agents were at the event in an official capacity or for personal reasons. 'A little of both,' one of them said.
Appelbaum asked when his equipment would be returned, and one of the agents said, 'We aren't involved in that; we have no idea,' and walked away when Appelbaum declined to talk further.
The agents declined to identify themselves to CNET. They said they were attending the conference and declined to talk further.' |
Name(s:) |
Elinor Mills |
Title: |
Reporter |
Agency(ies): |
Concerning: |
Grand Jury |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/F603u |
Title: |
The Power of Chinese Security |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Defcon |
Archive Link |
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WikiLeaks tweet Kiss This War Goodbye http://nyti.ms/9GyilB http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Special:Support |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks speaker detained on entering US http://bit.ly/9BDQlh vote no: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet It is time the US stopped harassing our MIT supporters http://bit.ly/dbv2Nb |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet FBI stomps around UK raiding alleged whistleblower's mother http://bit.ly/9PcWL8 VOTE NO: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Military airstrike video leak suspect in solitary confinement http://bit.ly/9VGqSK VOTE NO: http://bradleymanning.org |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Secrets of the UK Killing Squad (WL/Sunday Times) http://bit.ly/dt4SAW |
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WikiLeaks tweet Detained WikiLeaks volunteer speaks on War Diaries http://bit.ly/bMmhvx |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks supporters turn down military bribes http://bit.ly/cHbDxR |
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WikiLeaks tweet ISI spy chief cancels UK trip after our disclosures http://bit.ly/bRExfJ |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet 'You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. ' http://bit.ly/aV1ZrY |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pakistan's UN Ambassador on Afghan leaks (video) http://bit.ly/d8IOBF |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks and the Media (video) http://bit.ly/aTTqcQ |
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WikiLeaks tweet FBI informant in Manning case interviewed by BBC http://bit.ly/bOD0Y5 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Assassinations: New US policy in Afghanistan. Euphemisms: Old policy in New York Times http://nyti.ms/cpBcx8 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Independent: Afghanistan is unsustainable http://bit.ly/9Hi6Q5 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghanistan: An unwinable war http://bit.ly/bijKlk http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pakistan is the true enemy | Telegraph http://bit.ly/dvphcH |
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WikiLeaks tweet Why the world needs WikiLeaks! http://bit.ly/cdVcSH |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet US bribed 'independent' Afghan media to covertly air Army content http://yhoo.it/dwOPQS |
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WikiLeaks tweet Iranians report that Iran has blocked WikiLeaks submissions again. This discredits Iran. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet The relationship between Whistleblowing and censorship | Guardian http://bit.ly/c8JdHv |
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WikiLeaks tweet Talibahn using Australian weapons | SMH http://bit.ly/cvRzpI assist: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Journalism is already dead. How the Times framed WikiLeaks (discussion) http://bit.ly/dvm8Ys |
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WikiLeaks tweet Hilarious WikiLeaks rap gets it right. Is comedy the only honest commentary? http://bit.ly/9d60V3 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks is still trend#1 on Google. The world has spoken. Afghanistan is important. http://bit.ly/91JTqS |
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WikiLeaks tweet At long last, you can Flattr Wikileaks! http://bit.ly/aLZ2LO |
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WikiLeaks tweet US forces must remember than shooting the Taliban is shooting the Afghan people http://bit.ly/dtarfb |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Dutch become 1st NATO member to quit Afghanistan http://bit.ly/aqB5k1 http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
Archive Link
QUESTION: On the WikiLeaks, do you have any more clarity on that these that there's going to be this another kind of release of a large tranche of documents that are related to the war in Iraq, supposedly State Department cables. And I'm wondering if you have any more clarity about the type of documents that are going to be released and whether you're concerned that they will jeopardize anything, any --
MR. CROWLEY: Do we have clarity about what they have? I don't know that we do. We continue to investigate, working with military authorities, what might have been downloaded from military computer networks. On the other hand, do we have concerns, the same kinds of concerns that our leaders have talked about recently, including over the weekend? Absolutely.
Notwithstanding efforts to try to sanitize these documents, we do have concerns about sources and methods, key sources of who are, for the State Department, largely human beings. And the revelation, public revelation of these sources can put them as well as our own diplomats and our own interests at risk. And as we've seen as, I think, both Secretary Gates and Admiral Mullen have commented on where we have no doubt that people are scouring these documents and identifying sources and we have concerns about their welfare.
QUESTION: You said that your sources are largely human beings? What are the ones that not human beings?
MR. CROWLEY: There are technologies that play a role here. But for the State Department we rely on human sources of information. We do have a lot of satellites, though. |
Name(s:) |
Phillip J. Crowley |
Title: |
Assistant Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Public Affairs, Department of State |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/U00hy |
...Mr. President, last weekend, a Web page called WikiLeaks posted what they titled the ''Afghan War Diary.'' It involved the collection of 91,000 operational and intelligence documents about information that was collected in Afghanistan, and it was, they said, stolen from U.S. military networks. These documents contain sensitive information on military tactics, techniques and procedures and it revealed the names of critical intelligence sources. Very sensitive information is now in the hands of adversaries, and I wish to express
I am sad to say, this is what is breaking right now in Newsweek: 'Taliban Seeks Vengeance in Wake of WikiLeaks. Leaked U.S. Intel documents listed the names and villages of Afghan collaborators--and the Taliban is starting to retaliate.' That is the headline in Newsweek that has just broken.
I have the privilege of serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee. I can tell you what has happened is very disturbing, and I agree with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who has stated that the release of these documents has endangered lives--both the lives of our American service men and women and the lives of Afghan people who happen to give us important information to help us protect our Americans.
It has been just over a week since the release of these classified documents, and the media reports indicate, as that Newsweek article indicates that has just been published, that the retaliation has begun.
Last week, when the New York Times reported on this subject, they said a search of the leaked documents 'gave the names or other identifying features of dozens of Afghan informants, potential defectors and others who were cooperating with American and NATO troops.' That is the New York Times article.
Also, last week, in response to the listing of these names, a Taliban spokesman stated this:
'We are studying the report. .....We will investigate through our own secret service whether the people mentioned are really spies working for the US. If they are ..... spies, then we know how to punish them.'
Well, we have the indications that the Taliban is following through with their plan to punish, so-called punish. According to this Newsweek article, death threats have begun arriving at the homes of key tribal leaders in southern Afghanistan, and over the past weekend one tribal leader was taken from his home and executed.
One of these death threats was shared with a reporter, and this is what the death threat states:
'We have made a decision for your death. You have five days to leave Afghan soil. If you don't, you don't have the right to complain.'
Obviously, something very serious has happened, and there are a bunch of us who are extremely concerned about the damage this incident has caused to our operations in Afghanistan and to our national security as a whole.
There are a bunch of questions we have to answer. How could we have allowed the names of those who cooperate with us to be posted on an open-source Web page or was this surreptitiously taken away? Another question: What kind of impact will this leak have on our ability to gain the trust of local populations in the future?
This security breach is absolutely astonishing, and it represents a systematic breakdown in our national security procedures. I simply find it hard to believe that somebody could have downloaded tens of thousands of documents from our classified military networks without them being detected. So it brings us back to suspecting they have been leaked, and if it had never appeared, would we have known they were stolen from our classified networks?
Another question: How many people were actually involved in this incident? Do we have a way to determine whether additional documents have been or are being stolen in the same manner?
These are serious questions that I am sure the Department of Defense is examining as we speak. I applaud Secretary Gates for taking swift action to aggressively investigate who was responsible. But it is just as important to find out how our security practices failed to prevent the leak and to identify what must be done to prevent another security breach of this magnitude. The investigation is underway. We need to know the scope of the investigation. We need to be informed on what immediate steps have to be taken to address the network security breach.
When you start dealing with people's lives, you simply cannot fool around with this kind of laxity or someone betraying the country, and we have to get to the bottom of it. |
Name(s:) |
Bill Nelson of Florida (FL-D) |
Title: |
United States Senator |
Agency(ies): |
United States Senate |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Bill Nelson, US Senator and Representative from Florida |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
LittleSiS |
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WikiLeaks tweet Behind the WikiLeaks scoop | Guardian http://bit.ly/9S2NQN http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet New data on the Nangar Khel massacre http://bit.ly/aFSXRn |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Legal bid against UK after Afghan leak | AFP http://bit.ly/c9HdCI |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks and the Brit lies in Ireland | Guardian http://bit.ly/dA50aJ |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Afghan defense minister: 'It is good now that everyone knows about it.' | AFP http://bit.ly/90TSO0 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet The sooner NATO leaves, the better | Toronto Star http://bit.ly/aWEH0V |
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WikiLeaks tweet The huge scale of Pakistan's complicity | Globe and mail http://bit.ly/ahkWvq |
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WikiLeaks tweet More on WikiLeaks airport detainment. http://bit.ly/bYJ7FB SAY NO http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Special:Support |
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WikiLeaks tweet Free speech isn't free! Keep WikiLeaks strong! http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Special:Support |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WaPo calls for kidnapping on EU soil to destroy WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/bsJeCW STOP THEM: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Former Bush speech writer calls for destruction of free speech laws to better destroy WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/8Y0Abw |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks as World Asset | Huffpost http://huff.to/9iimj8 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Moscow media play up US leaks while ignoring Russian ones | Georgian Voice http://bit.ly/bbdfLw |
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WikiLeaks tweet RT: @karlrove Will President Obama stop WikiLeaks -- or sit back and do nothing? http://bit.ly/cK61Cx |
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WikiLeaks tweet Rules to curb civilian casualties lead to fewer attacks on US troops | Tribune http://bit.ly/9yETXY |
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WikiLeaks tweet Mass spying on US-250Mil IPs: Project Vigilant | Salon http://bit.ly/c1GcoY |
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WikiLeaks tweet Should the US kidnap WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? | Time http://bit.ly/9QFpnj Vote no: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet When is it right to leak 'national security' secrets? http://bit.ly/9mGX5v |
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WikiLeaks tweet Theissen is a torture advocate, but in TIME jargon, he's just a 'harsh interrogation booster' http://bit.ly/a49Qjv |
Q Yes, sir. This is Dale Kissinger, from MilitaryAvenue.com. And good evening. Thank you for taking the time tonight to talk with us. I was kind of wondering what the Coast Guard was doing in Afghanistan, but you explained that well. My question is based on the recent WikiLeaks. Are you seeing any lack of cooperation among the anti corruption officials and in the Afghan National Security Forces -- with names being published, et cetera, that might threaten their lives and their families' lives? Are you seeing any changes like that?
CAPT. ANDERSEN: I have not seen any changes like that. And it might be too premature, if there were going to be changes. There are, separate from the WikiLeaks issue, Dale, there are certain concerns when any individual comes forward in any society to bring forward information about corruption or a crime being committed. There's always a level of concern about their safety here. It's probably a little bit more. But I will tell you that there -- my experience, in the two-and- a-half months I've been here, is that although those concerns exist, there are also some very courageous and somewhat inspiring Afghans in the police and the army who are actually standing up, and making a stand against corruption and things that are going on in the ministry they know aren't right. But as far as the WikiLeaks, I haven't seen any change based on that. |
Name(s:) |
Steven Anderson |
Agency(ies): |
Staff Judge Advocate, Anti-Corruption Office, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan/Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan (NTM-A/CSTC-A) |
Url: |
Url Link
i.) 3 August 2010 Entry: 'SND (PFC Bradley Manning) did not receive and disciplinary reports or adverse spot evaluations and received average work and training report.' The entry also notes, 'SNDs conduct has been average and has presented no problems to staff or inmates. During the interview SND was respectful and courteous and was well spoken. SND stated that he was doing well and was not having suicidal or homicidal feelings.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
Url: |
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Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet 'All governments are in a continuum of tyranny' | Indy http://bit.ly/aDe9ie |
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WikiLeaks tweet Wikileaks in an obedience culture | PowerOfNarrative http://bit.ly/cF0JcH |
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WikiLeaks tweet Hundreds protest bombing in Kabul | VOA http://bit.ly/bP9rOc |
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WikiLeaks tweet Intel Congressman calls for Bradley Manning to be executed http://bit.ly/dblrPn stop him: http://bit.ly/bemkO7 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Crack it open for Bradley Manning http://bit.ly/d7Q4Rt http://bit.ly/b01tFP http://bit.ly/dpuj8t |
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WikiLeaks tweet Julian Assange on whitehouse spin, spying | Democracy Now http://bit.ly/b5NQiW |
Archive Link
Q What about Bradley Manning? Could you tell us about Bradley Manning -- MR. GIBBS: No. Q You won't? MR. GIBBS: I don't discuss active investigations. |
Name(s:) |
Robert Gibbs |
Title: |
Press Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Office of the Press Secretary, White House |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/HJmJN |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks in Baghdad | Nation http://bit.ly/cGviIY |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks *tripled* total war coverage last week. | Pew http://bit.ly/dcBelM |
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WikiLeaks tweet Reality vs. perception: US citizens under 50 years approve of disclosing classified war docs | Pew http://bit.ly/dcBelM |
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WikiLeaks tweet Should America destroy WikiLeaks like any other national security threat? http://bit.ly/cXUXHw NO http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Now 62% in US say war in Afghanistan going badly or very badly. http://politi.co/97mq1r http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Congressman: Execute WikiLeaks leaker http://politi.co/bWKYXg disagree? http://bit.ly/bemkO7 |
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WikiLeaks tweet US senators try to gut shield bill; great! All the more leaks for us and Iceland http://nyti.ms/96bjh1 http://bit.ly/dh8bx6 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Whitehouse claims we did not contact them asking for War Diary vetting. NYTimes says they passed on EXACTLY this message. |
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WikiLeaks tweet We asked Whitehouse to help 'on the identification of innocents for this material if it is willing to provide reviewers'. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Eric Margolis on the ISI (video) | RNN http://bit.ly/buw7Ni |
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WikiLeaks tweet Congressman demands execution for Collateral Murder video http://bit.ly/d8rKOu release http://bit.ly/aNJVFl |
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WikiLeaks tweet Support for Obama's war policies drops from 48% to 36% | NYDailyNews http://bit.ly/bDPksP |
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WikiLeaks tweet Broadcasting Board decides Voice of America can persue WikiLeaks documents afterall | WaPo http://bit.ly/amWVe8 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Media connect MIT to WikiLeaks probe | MIT http://bit.ly/cyko5E |
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WikiLeaks tweet US vetrans say Pentagon spin on WikiLeaks aims to cloud real issues | VetransToday http://bit.ly/bovXoG |
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WikiLeaks tweet Rolling Stone writer denied embed permission | MilitaryTimes http://bit.ly/dxk2a6 |
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WikiLeaks tweet US source protection bill amended to exclude WikiLeaks | Journalism http://bit.ly/dyiEy2 |
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WikiLeaks tweet We need to talk to the Taliban | Independent http://bit.ly/aeckLZ |
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WikiLeaks tweet US$1 trillion wasted on wars | Japan Times http://bit.ly/b6dtqx |
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WikiLeaks tweet Leaked reports confirm missile launches against ISAF aircraft | Jane's http://bit.ly/ashIab |
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WikiLeaks tweet Defense Fund Established for Bradley Manning http://bit.ly/9DyhoR |
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WikiLeaks tweet Ibrahim: Don't let anyone fool you that the WikiLeaks affair is not important | Huffpost http://huff.to/9uM8Yt |
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WikiLeaks tweet New journalistic search interface for Afghan War Diary http://bit.ly/buPyez |
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WikiLeaks tweet It is up to YOU. NYT read less than 1% of War Diary. http://bit.ly/cOUM98 post findings to http://bit.ly/aKOQM4 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghan kids killed by Canadian military http://bit.ly/bo51Hv |
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WikiLeaks tweet How WikiLeaks is changing the World--but note the photo caption | NYMag http://bit.ly/90vrXD |
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WikiLeaks tweet Example report: US drops 500lb bomb on woman and 7 children. http://bit.ly/9Pct7q |
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WikiLeaks tweet Software for the exploring the Afghan War Diary : Help build it. Media companies won't. http://bit.ly/d2FmUL |
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WikiLeaks tweet An Information War Targeting WikiLeaks | Harpers http://bit.ly/c9Rhbv |
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WikiLeaks tweet US Army missile report copied wholesale from WikiPedia http://bit.ly/8XYWAE |
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WikiLeaks tweet Charging WikiLeaks Whistleblower with Treason would be Absurb http://bit.ly/9A4QDi |
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WikiLeaks tweet CBC Afgan War Diary search http://bit.ly/cGwnAb |
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WikiLeaks tweet Hundreds of hidden protest fatalities in Afghan War Diary http://bit.ly/97HFWe |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghan War Diary: Child amputees http://bit.ly/cUmMgp |
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WikiLeaks tweet Ellsbwerg: 'I have been waiting for this for a long time' | CNN http://bit.ly/bCcFTH |
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WikiLeaks tweet Local Nationals. zO_od: @wikileaks What does the 'LNs' stand for? http://diarydig.org/ |
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WikiLeaks tweet What we didn't hear from the Pentagon last week: 'killing all those innocent people is bad. Sorry. We will stop that' |
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WikiLeaks tweet Obnoxious Pentagon spokesperson issues formal threat against WikiLeaks: Destroy everything, or else http://cs.pn/aOxf0Y |
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WikiLeaks tweet Now is a good time to send WikiLeaks all your money! http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
Archive Link
On August 6, 2010, the forensic psychiatrist for the Brig [CAPT. WILLIAM HOCTER] recommended that he be moved from suicide risk to POI watch. That recommendation was followed and PFC Manning was moved to POI watch. |
Name(s:) |
David Coombs |
Title: |
civilian defense counsel |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/hsOID |
On 6 August 2010, Capt. William Hocter, the forensic psychiatrist for the Brig, recommended that I be removed from suicide risk to Preventions of Injury (POI) watch. CWO4 Averhart [FORMER COMMANDER OF THE QUANTICO BRIG] followed that recommendation and I was moved to POI watch.
5.) Life was not much better for me under the previous confinement assignment of POI watch. Like suicide risk, I was held in solitary confinement. For 23 hours per day, I sat in my cell. The guards checked on me every five minutes by asking me if I was okay. I was required to respond in some affirmative manner. At night, if the guard could not see me clearly, because I had a blanket over my head or i was curled up towards the wall, they would wake me in order to ensure that I was okay. I received each of my meals in my cell. I was not allowed to have a pillow or sheets. I was not allowed to have any personal items in my cell. I was only allowed to have one book or magazine at any given time to read. The book or magazine was taken away from me at the end of the day before I went to sleep. I was prevented from exercising in me [sic] cell daily. The guards would take me to an empty room and allow me to walk. I usually walked in figure eights around the room. When I went to sleep, I was required to strip down to my underwear and surrender my clothing to the guards. my clothing was returned to me the next morning. |
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Bradley Manning |
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MR. MORRELL: Hi, guys, good afternoon. I have a brief opening statement, and then we'll get to questions.
On Monday -- pardon me -- Tuesday, it was reported that WikiLeaks has asked the Department of Defense for help in reviewing approximately 15,000 classified documents that WikiLeaks obtained in an unauthorized and inappropriate manner, before WikiLeaks releases those classified documents to the public.
WikiLeaks has made no such request directly to the Department of Defense. These documents are the property of the U.S. government and contain classified and sensitive information.
The Defense Department demands that WikiLeaks return immediately to the U.S. government all versions of documents obtained directly or indirectly from the Department of Defense databases or records.
WikiLeaks's public disclosure last week of a large number of our documents has already threatened the safety of our troops, our allies and Afghan citizens who are working with us to help bring about peace and stability in that part of the world.
Public disclosure of additional Defense Department classified information can only make the damage worse. The only acceptable course is for WikiLeaks to take steps immediately to return all versions of all of these documents to the U.S. government and permanently delete them from its website, computers and records.
A final note. WikiLeaks's web page constitutes a brazen solicitation to U.S. government officials, including our military, to break the law. WikiLeaks's public assertion that submitting confidential material to WikiLeaks is safe, easy and protected by law is materially false and misleading.
The Department of Defense therefore also demands that WikiLeaks discontinue any solicitation of this type.
Q Two things on that. Do you have any mechanism or authority to compel WikiLeaks to do as you say -- as you are demanding? And do you now consider Private Manning the prime suspect in your -- in the WikiLeaks leak?
MR. MORRELL: To the second part first, I think we have described Private Manning -- who is charged with leaking other classified information to this same organization -- as a person of interest. I know of no update to his status since our initial description of him as such.
With regards to the first part of your question, which gets to, beyond our demand, how do we intend to compel, what I would say there, Anne, is that at this point we are making a demand of them. We are asking them to do the right thing. This is the appropriate course of action, given the damage that has already been done, and we hope they will honor our demands and comply with our demands.
We will cross the next bridge when we come to it. If it requires them compelling to do anything -- if doing the right thing is not good enough for them, then we will figure out what other alternatives we have to compel them to do the right thing. Let me leave it at that.
Q Well, as far as -- could it be -- could it involve legal action, as the next step?
MR. MORRELL: Well, I don't want to speculate as to what it could involve. Obviously, this is a matter that has gotten the attention not just of this department, but of the entire United States government. As we've talked about before, the secretary of Defense brought the FBI into this investigation very early on. The Department of Justice is also involved in this matter.
So those are two entities which have the authority, the wherewithal, should they choose to approach this through the legal system.
That is not what we -- what I am announcing here. What I am announcing here is a request, a demand of WikiLeaks, the organization, to do the right thing and to not further exacerbate the damage that has been done by them to date and return to us all the information that was illegally passed to them and to expunge it from their website and all their records.
Yeah, Craig.
Q Has DOD analyzed these 15,000 outstanding records and come to any conclusion on -- of how harmful it might be for them to be released?
MR. MORRELL: Well, obviously these 15,000 documents, which they claim to be withholding as part of a harm-minimization exercise, are not in our possession. We don't know for sure which 1,500 [sic; 15,000] documents they are referring to. We have some ideas and are doing some proactive work, some prophylactic work in the event that the documents we suspect they could be are indeed the documents that they are threatening to post. But that's where I'll leave it now.
Yeah, Tom.
Q Has there been any further discussion or even decisions on changing or tightening security rules in the field? The secretary has acknowledged it's important to have access to this information at the unit level, but clearly there are challenges and risks as well.
MR. MORRELL: Yeah, I mean, I think he addressed this last week, Tom, when he was asked about it when this first broke. I think fundamentally, as he said to you a few weeks ago, even before this most recent disclosure, he fundamentally still believes that one of the things that makes our military the envy of the world is that we instill an incredible degree of trust and responsibility in our most junior officers and our most junior enlisted, so that this organization is not top-heavy, it's effective from top to bottom.
And I think as troubling as this episode is, and again we don't know who is responsible for leaking this information -- as troubling as it is, I think he does not want to do anything to jeopardize the fundamental goodness of this trusting relationship that has existed for decades in the United States military.
That said, this is a problem. The fact that information like this gets out into the public domain is a serious breach. And we are taking measures internally to reinforce existing rules and guidelines and to make sure that people are aware of those rules and guidelines and are being even more vigilant about enforcing the existing rules and guidelines.
Yeah, Jeff.
Q You have called on WikiLeaks to do the right thing. By your standards, they haven't done the right thing so far. What makes you think they'll suddenly have a change of heart?
MR. MORRELL: I don't know that we're very confident they'll have a change of heart. They've shown no indication thus far that they appreciate the gravity, the seriousness of the situation they have caused -- the lives they have endangered, the operations they have potentially undermined, the innocent people who have potentially been put in harm's way as a result.
So I don't know that we have a high degree of confidence that this -- that this request, this demand unto itself will prevail upon them.
We certainly are hopeful of that being the case. But you know, I don't know what to expect of this organization. We've heard so many different things from so many different people purporting to represent them, I don't know what's the truth.
You know, they claimed initially to have, you know, reviewed these documents. Then we learn afterwards, they've only looked at 2,000 of them, so they don't really know what's in all of them. They claim to have reached out to -- you know, to the United States government to assist in -- you know, for assistance in harm minimization. Then we find out, no, it was through their partner, The New York Times. I don't know The New York Times would describe themselves as their partner.
There is -- there have been a lot of contradictory and conflicting statements along the way, which certainly cause us to question their motivation, their intent, their credibility.
This is an opportunity, it seems to me, for t |
Name(s:) |
Geoff Morrell |
Title: |
Press Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Pentagon, Department of Defense |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/kbmlP |
Title: |
DOD News Briefing with Geoff Morrell from the Pentagon |
Author: |
Geoff Morrell |
Title: |
Press Secretary |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Pentagon, Department of Defense |
Archive Link |
Title: |
Defense Department Daily Briefing, August 5, 2010 |
Author: |
Geoff Morrell |
Title: |
Press Secretary |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Pentagon, Department of Defense |
Title: |
Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return Stolen Documents |
Author: |
Elaine Wilson |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
American Forces Press Service, Department of Defense |
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Archive Link
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2010 The operators of a website that published tens of thousands of classified documents have contacted no 'competent authorities' in the Defense Department, a Pentagon spokesman said here today. WikiLeaks already has released 90,000 classified documents, and the site's publisher said he plans to release about 15,000 more.
'Those documents should be returned,' Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said. 'There should be no further posting of these classified documents, and those that have been posted should be removed.'
The Army's Criminal Investigation Division and the FBI are conducting an investigation into the leak of the documents.
WikiLeaks officials have attempted to use the media as an intermediary, 'but the Defense Department has had no direct contact with WikiLeaks,' Whitman said.
In any event, the Defense Department is not interested in negotiating with the organization, Whitman said, noting that it's simply against the law to release classified documents. If Defense Department officials participated in trying to sanitize or redact these documents, he said, they still would be guilty of releasing classified documents.
'These documents are property of the United States government,' Whitman said. 'The unauthorized release of them threatens the lives of coalition forces, as well as Afghan nationals. All should be returned immediately, they should be removed from the Web, there should be no further posting of them to the Web, and all data bases containing them should be destroyed.'
Defense Department officials are analyzing the leaked documents to try to minimize the risk to coalition forces and to Afghans who worked with the coalition, Whitman said, though he would not get into specifics.
Another danger of the leaks is the possibility that commands may safeguard information and intelligence so much that those who need it won't get it, Whitman noted.
'There is a balance to make sure that all the available intelligence is accessible where it needs to be accessible,' Whitman said. 'But there should be safeguards, too, to preclude or mitigate instances where people may be acting in an improper, unauthorized or even illegal way.'
Intelligence is a tool that young servicemembers must have to carry out their missions, he added.
'Anything that we do as we assess the situation here and learn lessons from this will always be balanced with the imperative that our forces on the ground need to have access to the best information that we can provide them,' he said. |
Name(s:) |
Bryan Whitman |
Title: |
Spokesperson |
Agency(ies): |
Pentagon, Department of Defense |
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Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/nIMMN |
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WikiLeaks tweet Don't be fooled by Pentagon rhetorical tricks ('direct'). Listen carefully. We asked WH for reviewers via agreed intermediary. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon rhetorical tricks fooling reporters all over. e.g no 'direct' contact.All 4 groups agreed to use NYT as relay. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon: return our 'stolen' docs, or else http://bit.ly/cvcWRu Support us now: http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet We are examining the Pentagon's 'request' and will issue a statement in due course. |
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WikiLeaks tweet FOX: WikiLeaks v. the Pentagon (video) http://bit.ly/d7lirm |
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WikiLeaks tweet NATO acknowledges civilian deaths in Afghan clash | AP http://bit.ly/dju6MT |
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WikiLeaks tweet Yes, Afghanistan is Vietnam | Diplomat http://bit.ly/cLFdGP |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks v. the Pentagon: Phony finger pointing | CBS http://bit.ly/dAFKK1 |
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WikiLeaks tweet US Apache slays journalists, rescuers (an example of what the Pentagon demands we destroy) http://bit.ly/bqzVzF |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghan War Diary now includes automatic acronym expansion. Help us compile a full list http://bit.ly/coFtq1 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Extraordinary map interface to Afghan War Diary by Danish Newspaper http://bit.ly/dbd0bj |
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WikiLeaks tweet 'The boot must be kept on the throat of extremism.' NYTimes OP ED irony fail. http://nyti.ms/cEBcre |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks comic from Bors http://bit.ly/akbve9 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Fidel Castro on WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/90ZS4x |
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WikiLeaks tweet US military ordered to avoid WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/d79OXb |
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WikiLeaks tweet The article currently being spun about WikiLeaks source protection legalities is false. |
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WikiLeaks tweet A few quotes in this article are untrue or misleading: http://yhoo.it/b21Q0z ; it is not endorsed. |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks v. Pentagon (video satire) http://bit.ly/d0pIrl |
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WikiLeaks tweet AP is publishing a correction to misquoted article within the hour. |
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WikiLeaks tweet What to do about WikiLeaks? Not much can be done | AP http://yhoo.it/blQ8cR |
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WikiLeaks tweet We have over 100,000 twitter followers now. Welcome! |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet US military's ORSA exposed in today's Berlin FAZ. On the web, Monday. |
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WikiLeaks tweet FOX roundtable on WikiLeaks: http://bit.ly/dCYu11 Tobacco: http://bit.ly/aEbyH3 |
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WikiLeaks tweet And yet more Tobacco: http://bit.ly/9leuyP |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pakinstan-India-Afghanistan-WikiLeaks | The Hindu http://bit.ly/97pfZc |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Afghan Papers see Obama poll record low | Townhall http://bit.ly/ddgc0A |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Karl Rove wants WikiLeaks editor-in-chief 'Hunted Down and Grabbed' | FOX http://bit.ly/dxjeqV |
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WikiLeaks tweet Financing WikiLeaks | Harpers http://harpers.org/archive/2010/08/hbc-90007485 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Wikipedia: Afghan War Diary http://bit.ly/aIIS0I |
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WikiLeaks tweet More visualisations of the Afghan War Diary http://bit.ly/byTg5r |
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WikiLeaks tweet Visualising Afganistan casualties http://bit.ly/aIoj6B |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks v. Pentagon: the Costly Pursuit of Control http://bit.ly/bQET4S |
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WikiLeaks tweet The Ongoing WikiLeaks saga (video) | Listening Post http://bit.ly/aSQRYZ |
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WikiLeaks tweet MIT: WikiLeaks, Ellsberg and military funding | Boston Herald http://bit.ly/axy5P2 |
Title: |
National Security Strategy, Aug 9, 2010 |
Author: |
Michael Hayden |
Title: |
Principal |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Chertoff Group |
Notes: |
Michael Hayden is a retired four star Air Force General. As Principal Director of National Intelligence, he was 'the highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the armed forces.' He is currently a principal at the Chertoff Group, a security consultancy cofounded by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Hayden was elected to the Board of Directors of Motorola Solutions effective January 4, 2011. |
Title: |
United States Secret Service Signs Partnership Agreement with United Kingdom Officials Establishing the Second European Electronic Crimes Task Force |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Secret Service |
Concerning: |
"Secret Service |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Need $700k for our next harm-minimization review. Pentagon won't help.Media won't-but happy to profit. What to do? |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon wants to bankrupt us by refusing to assist harm-minimization.Media won't take responsibility either. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon wants to bankrupt us by refusing to assist review.Media won't take responsibility.Amnesty won't.What to do? |
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WikiLeaks tweet 'Defend WikiLeaks End the Secret Wars' http://bit.ly/cl6ZVo |
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WikiLeaks tweet RT:@PatrickAK:Do everything that you can to minimize risk but also remember that waiting and doing nothing is also a risk. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Example of pentagon playing AFP with rhetortical tricks-NO, they said no 'DIRECT' contact. http://bit.ly/cWUhAD |
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WikiLeaks tweet War as a video game: the 'game sequence' here is telling and brilliant http://bit.ly/9d60V3 http://bit.ly/bqzVzF |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks: three digital myths | Middle East Online http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=40476 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghan schools: Safe havens? | CBC http://bit.ly/aKL9Ai |
Archive Link
QUESTION: On WikiLeaks, can you talk about reports that you're pressuring Britain and other allies to launch their own criminal investigations about WikiLeak and to block the site? We had talked about this a little bit over a week ago, but there are more reports surfacing that you're putting pressure on allies to do something about that.
MR. CROWLEY: Yeah. Let me take that question. I'm not aware of any specific conversations that we've had with some of the countries mentioned. Obviously, there's something that's cropped up in different conversations that we've had; citing one, in the Secretary's call last week with President Karzai, they did talk about WikiLeaks and she asked the president what his perspective on it was. So I'll take the question as to whether we've had conversations along those lines and are encouraging others to consider their own potential prosecutions. |
Name(s:) |
Phillip J. Crowley |
Title: |
Assistant Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Public Affairs, Department of State |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/EXiap |
Title: |
State Department Daily Briefing, Aug 10, 2010 |
Author: |
Phillip J. Crowley |
Title: |
Assistant Secretary |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Public Affairs, Department of State |
Madam Speaker, I have taken some time to review some of the previously classified documents on the war in Afghanistan that were published by the WikiLeaks.org website. Before rushing to judgment about this very large, unauthorized disclosure of information, I wanted to review some of the documents myself to determine if indeed potential human sources of information had been compromised. After reviewing some of these documents, I have concluded that their release could indeed cause real harm to real people.
I have frequently taken the executive branch to task for over-classifying documents. There have been many episodes in our nation's history where the classification system has been used to hide improper acts or to shield policy-makers and bureaucrats from scrutiny or embarrassment. The Pentagon Papers episode is perhaps the most well publicized example of the executive branch seeking to keep information classified because it is embarrassing.
That is not the case with the so-called ''Afghan War Diary'' of WikiLeaks.org. Some of the documents I reviewed contained the names of real Afghan insurgents who turned themselves in to U.S. or Afghan government forces. Those same reports say these defectors were interrogated, and we may presume that after they are released from custody they and their families could be in danger of assassination by other insurgents. The government has a legitimate need to keep secret any sources and methods that are truly important for our nation's security. The individual or individuals responsible for the release of these un-redacted documents should be prosecuted. A criminal investigation into this matter is underway. |
Name(s:) |
Rush Holt (D-NJ) |
Title: |
United States Representative |
Agency(ies): |
United States House of Representatives |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Rush Holt, US Representative from New Jersey |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
LittleSis |
Archive Link |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Operation Empire Challenge. Propaganda: http://bit.ly/9sFkEt Reality: http://bit.ly/azqwRF |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet A review of WikiLeaks by someone who actually bothered to read it: http://bit.ly/90Y1Nn |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet No way home, no escape: US abandons Iraqi collaborators to reprisals http://bit.ly/cYaWv4 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet How India sees the Afghan War Diary http://bit.ly/aaxiTZ |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Kaiser: Expanding the public's wealth and defending the common good http://huff.to/avfFqv wea_b_674351.html |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet UN: Afghan civilian casualties rise 31 per cent in first six months of 2010 http://bit.ly/b8lFgN |
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WikiLeaks tweet Expanding the public wealth and defending the common good | Huffpost http://huff.to/c3qWkU |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet US has pressured Britain, Germany, Australia, to charge WikiLeaks editor with espionage http://bit.ly/bHglKI |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Don't be fooled on the 'human rights groups'.No formal statement. US led. Anon. given to Wall St. Journal. Why? |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks War Data Visualizations | Atlantic http://bit.ly/97prVQ |
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WikiLeaks tweet Obama's Iran Fantasy | Weekly Standard http://bit.ly/c0vsnk |
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WikiLeaks tweet Amnesty International spokeswoman Susanna Flood confirms there was no authorized statement on WikiLeaks. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Research note: AIHRC is primary funded by the occupying forces of Afghanistan. |
2010-08-13 |
Anna states that she is employed as press and political secretary for Sweden's Christian Social Democrats, Broderskapet. Anna says that she worked on preparing a seminar that was to take place on 14 August, at which Julian Assange had been invited to speak.
Since Anna would be out of town during 1114 August, she lent her flat to Assange. But Anna returned early to Stockholm on Friday, 13 August, because she had a lot to do for the seminar. Anna and Assange had never previously met in person, only professionally via e-mail and telephone. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Remember well those organizations currently rushing to push the Pentagon's agenda without fact checking. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Ex-spies ponder North Koren missile sale to Taliban | WaPo http://bit.ly/aWBu0W |
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WikiLeaks tweet How to Show 'Collateral Murder' Outside in Public | WorldCantWait http://bit.ly/celE5t |
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WikiLeaks tweet Afghan War Interactive Timeline http://bit.ly/abUOpO |
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WikiLeaks tweet Why data needs journalism | Guardian http://bit.ly/aRDv6e |
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WikiLeaks tweet Plugging the Leaks | Washingtonian http://bit.ly/bfdEyW |
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WikiLeaks tweet Worldbank: is WikiLeaks a new media model for the developing world? http://bit.ly/9W0Qal |
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WikiLeaks tweet A War on WikiLeaks? | Counterpunch http://bit.ly/9guXGe |
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WikiLeaks tweet Raimondo: Smearing Bradley Manning http://bit.ly/ceLerF |
Archive Link
The sailors also wanted the straight talk on the WikiLeaks situation. Gates said the illegal release and posting of classified documents on the website poses 'very serious consequences.' The documents contain the names of many Afghans who have helped the coalition and they contain a huge amount of information showing the tactics, techniques and procedures used by coalition forces.
'We know from intelligence that both the Taliban and al-Qaida have given direction to comb those documents for information, so I think the consequences are potentially very severe,' he said. |
Name(s:) |
Jim Garamone |
Agency(ies): |
American Forces Press Service, Department of Defense |
Url: |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/YPojM |
ii) 12 August 2010 Entry: 'SND did not receive any disciplinary reports or adverse spot evaluations and received an average work and training report.' The entry also notes 'SND stated that he would like a job in the facility library if it became possible. To this point in confinement SND's conduct has been average and has presented no problems to staff or inmates. During the interview SND was quiet, but courteous and respectful. SND answers questions but speaks very little unless responding to a question. Currently SND appears to be trying to adjust to the daily routine and observing what is going on around him. During the interview SND was well spoken, neat in appearance and maintained eye contact. SND stated that he have any suicidal feelings at this time.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
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On August 12, 2010, immediately following the first release of documents, the Secretary of Defense commissioned two internal DoD studies. The first study, led by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)), directed a review of DoD information security policy. The second study, led by the Joint Staff, focused on procedures for handling classified information in forward deployed areas. The Secretary also tasked the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency to stand up an Information Review Task Force to assess, in concert with interagency participants, the substance of the data disclosed.
Results of the two studies revealed a number of findings, including the following:
Forward deployed units maintained an over-reliance on removable electronic storage media. Roles and responsibilities for detecting and dealing with an insider threat must be better defined. Processes for reporting security incidents need improvement. Limited capability currently exists to detect and monitor anomalous behavior on classified computer networks.
Once the studies were concluded and the results reported to the Secretary, the Department began working to address the findings and improve its overall security posture to mitigate the possibility of another similar type of disclosure. Some of this work was already planned or underway. For other findings, like the issue of removable media, new initiatives had to be immediately implemented. |
Name(s:) |
Teresa Takai, Thomas Ferguson |
Title: |
Chief Information Officer and Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence |
Agency(ies): |
Department of Defense |
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Archive Link
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DoD) INITIATIVES On August 12, 2010, Defense Secretary Robert Gates commissioned two reviews to determine what policy, procedural and/or technological shortfalls contributed to the unauthorized disclosure to the Wikileaks website. He specifically directed an assessment to determine if the DoD had appropriately balanced restrictions associated with information security and the need to provide our front-line personnel with the information needed to accomplish their assigned missions. As a result of these two reviews, a number of findings and recommendations are in the process of being assessed and implemented, including the following:
--Disabling and controlling use of removable storage media on DoD classified networks to prevent download from classified networks. --Developing procedures to monitor and detect suspicious, unusual or anomalous user behavior (similar to procedures now being implemented by credit card companies to detect and monitor fraud). --Conducting security oversight inspections in all Combatant Commands. --Undertaking vulnerability assessments of DoD networks. --Improving awareness and compliance with information protection procedures. Specific examples being undertaken at the Combatant Command level include: --Increased 'insider threat' training focusing on awareness of associated activity. --Multi-discipline training between traditional security, law enforcement and information assurance at all echelons. --The establishment of 'Insider Threat Working Groups' to address the Wikileaks incident and prevent reoccurrence. --Component-determined restricted access to the Wikileaks site to prevent further dissemination or downloading of classified information to unclassified DoD networks. --Restating of policy to all personnel regarding restrictions on downloading to government systems and cautionary advice regarding personal IT systems.
Individual DoD components are taking additional action as relevant and appropriate, ranging from random physical inspections to enabling new security features on networks. Leadership reinforcement of workforce responsibilities and new initiatives to safeguard information are key components of DoD's mitigation efforts. Department-wide, the Pentagon is accelerating its publication of policy issuances related to the information security program as well as focusing increased attention on detecting potential insider threats. |
Agency(ies): |
White House |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/WJ4io |
Title: |
Ms. Teresa Takai, Chief Information Officer and Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration and Mr. Thomas Ferguson, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Department of Defense |
Title: |
FACT SHEET: U.S. Government Mitigation Efforts in Light of the Recent Unlawful Disclosure of Classified Information |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Office of the Press Secretary, White House |
Archive Link |
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WikiLeaks tweet Frontline Club WikiLeaks debate starts in 8 minutes. Live video: http://bit.ly/9fCswH |
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WikiLeaks tweet Reporters Sans Fact-checking Washington has issued some idiot statement, based on a bunch of quotes we never made. |
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WikiLeaks tweet RSF is peeved over reactionary modifications to the proposed Federal source protection bill. We are too, but get your facts right. |
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WikiLeaks tweet Free speech is never free. Keep WikiLeaks strong: http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Special:Support |
2010-08-18 |
Anna states that she and Assange did not have sex again after the above-mentioned event. However, Assange continued residing with her until yesterday (Friday, 20 August). According to Anna, Assange made sexual advances to her every day after the evening when they had sex, for example by touching her breasts. Anna had rejected Assange on every such occasion, which Assange had accepted. On one occasion (on Wednesday, 18 August) he had suddenly removed all the clothes from his lower body, and then rubbed his lower body and erect penis against Anna. Anna states that she felt this was strange and unpleasant behaviour, and had therefore moved down to a mattress on the floor and slept there instead of on the bed with Assange. The following night, Anna stayed with a friend because she did not want to be with or near Assange due to his strange behaviour. She had also said after Wednesday 18 August that she no longer wanted Assange to reside at her flat, which he did not act upon until Friday [yesterday], when he took his things and returned her key.
To my question Anna replies that Assange resided with her, but that they rarely slept together because Assange was up all night, working with his computer. When he lay down to sleep, around 7:00 a.m., Anna was usually up. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
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Url Link
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Is it true that you have had a sexual relationship, you and Anna?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had a sexual relationship from that Friday, the 13th, for a couple of days. We slept in the same bed until the following Friday [AUGUST 20, THE DAY JULIAN ASSANGE MOVED OUT OF ANNA ARDIN'S FLAT].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): What sort of sexual relationship was it; were there several occasions?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Was a condom used on any of those occasions?
Julian Assange: On the first occasion; and we had sex several times on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th]. And afterwards, on the other days as well, we also had a sexual relationship.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The subsequent sexual relations, did they also involve copulation?
Julian Assange: No, it was more_ we touched each other.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): So we're talking about one time when copulation was involved?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had intercourse on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And that was once, or was it several times?
Julian Assange: Several times.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And so the first time was with a condom?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And who was it that wanted to use a condom?
Julian Assange: I'm not sure.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And why was a condom not used with the subsequent acts of copulation?
Julian Assange: It was used with the subsequent acts of copulation.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): O.K. I misunderstood. So you had intercourse, and then only with a condom?
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The accusation appears to be that a condom was damaged after the copulation; and it is Anna's contention that, on one occasion when you withdrew your penis, it sounded at first as though you removed the condom. But when you entered her again,she felt with her hand and she could feel you were still wearing the condom. Then you ejaculated and, among other things, she felt that she had semen inside her. And she also looked at the condom, and there was no semen in the condom. And so the question to you is: Is this a situation that you recognize in any way?
Julian Assange: No. On one occasion Anna pointed to the bed, which had a wet spot, and said, 'Look at that. Is that you?' I said, 'No, it must be you'. And there was no more discussion about that, not a word until the accusation last Friday, a week afterward.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Are we talking about the first occasion again_.
Julian Assange: And during that time, except for one night, Anna and I slept in the same bed. Every night except Tuesday night [DOES HE MEAN MONDAY NIGHT, WHEN HE SLEPT AT SOPHIA WILEN'S?] and Thursday night [ACCORDING TO ANNA'S AUG 21 POLICE INTERVIEW SHE STAYED WITH A FRIEND]. On Thursday evening Anna said she was going out for a few hours to visit a journalist who wrote something about me and who lived in the same area, or the same housing complex or nearby. But she did not return that evening.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Do you remember what you did with the condom?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And you have no recollection of a damaged condom, either?
Julian Assange: No. Nor have I searched for a damaged condom.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Do you use a condom otherwise?
Julian Assange: Yes, usually; not always, but usually.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And you say that you did not check, or you say that you do not recall what you did with the condom. Is that correct?
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): What do you normally do?
Julian Assange: I have no special routine for what I do with condoms.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): How was your sexual relation after that night?
Julian Assange: It was still quite warm. On one occasion after that, Anna had two orgasms. We slept in the same bed.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And if have understood you correctly, you did not have sexual intercourse then?
Julian Assange: That is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And nothing happened during the time you resided with her after the first night?
Julian Assange: No there was no sexual intercourse; that's correct. But other sexual activities, yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Were you ever rejected by Anna?
Julian Assange: In what way?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): That she rejected a sexual advance from you?
Julian Assange: Yes, sometimes but in no way that was significant. No, nothing that would in any way be unusual.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): If we go back to the first night: Did you ejaculate?
Julian Assange: Yes._
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Leif, anything you want to_?
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): I have a couple of questions.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Yes.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): At what time of the day did you have sexual intercourse, what time was it approximately?
Julian Assange: Late at night and early in the morning.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): What would you say, though; approximately what time three, four, five_?
Julian Assange: Between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): O.K. Was there any alcohol?
Julian Assange: No.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): Neither you nor her?
Julian Assange: I do not recall that I had drunk any large quantity. We might have had white wine with dinner. But it was not an evening where we drank a lot.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): Was either of you intoxicated?
Julian Assange: Not so intoxicated that I noticed. I would have noticed if either of us was inebriated.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): When did you first hear from Anna about the problem we are discussing today?
Julian Assange: I have never heard about precisely this problem directly from Anna. Today [AUGUST 30, 2010] is the first time I have got an exact description of it.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): So during that entire week when you resided with Anna, from Friday to Friday and you had various sexual relations, she said nothing about a broken condom?
Julian Assange: No, nothing at all.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): O.K. I have no further questions.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): One more question occurs to me: Who was it who, shall we say, took the initiative to your advances toward each other?
Julian Assange: Anna.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): How did that happen?
Julian Assange: She said I should sleep in her bed.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And it was in bed that things began?
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Did either of you make any advances before you went to the bed?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Did Anna say anything?
Julian Assange: No, she said something, but nothing unusual.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And what do you mean by 'unusual'?
Julian Assange: They were just things one would expect of a lover.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And what were your plans when it was time for you both to go to bed, then?
Julian Assange: After Anna had_?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): No, before that.
Julian Assange: Before.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): So, you are saying that she invited you to her bed.
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Where were you planning to sleep before she invited you to the bed?
Julian Assange: Either on the floor, or._ I don't know. It is Anna's flat, after all.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): How long had you resided in Anna's flat before her return that evening?
Julian Assange: I stayed in the flat for one day when Anna was away. I got the keys three or four days before that. I had access to the flat, but I didn't sleep there. Anna, she said that_No, I don't want to discuss that, because I don't believe it has anything to do with this case. I don't want to discuss anything private if it has nothing to do with th |
Name(s:) |
Julian Assange |
Title: |
Editor in Chief |
Agency(ies): |
WikiLeaks |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, Assange and Anna went out to dine together. They had agreed that Assange would continue residing in Anna's flat, despite her return a day ahead of time. After dining in town, they returned to Anna's flat and drank tea.
In answer to my question, Anna replies that neither she nor Assange had taken any alcohol during the evening. While they sat and drank tea, Assange began caressing her leg. To my question Anna replies that Assange had not made any physical approach toward her earlier that evening, except now which Anna initially welcomed. However, it felt 'unpleasant right from the start', because Assange was rough and impatient.
Then they lay down on the bed, Anna on her back and Assange on top of her. Anna sensed that Assange wanted to insert his penis in her vagina right away, which she did not want because he was not wearing a condom. She therefore tried to twist her hips to the side and squeeze her legs together in order to prevent penetration. Anna tried several times to reach for a condom, but Assange stopped her from doing so by holding her arms and prying open her legs while trying to penetrate her with his penis without a condom. Anna says that eventually she was on the verge of tears because she was held fast and could not get a condom, and felt that 'this can end badly'. To my question Anna replies that Assange must have known that Anna was trying to reach for a condom, and that he therefore held her arms to prevent her from doing so.
After a moment, Assange asked Anna what she was doing and why she was squeezing her legs together. Anna then told him that she wanted him to wear a condom before he came in her. At that, Assange released Anna's arms and put on a condom that Anna fetched for him. Anna sensed a strong unspoken reluctance by Assange to use a condom, as a result of which she had a feeling that he had not put on the condom that he had been given. She therefore reached down her hand to Assange's penis in order to ensure that he had really put on the condom. She felt that the rim of the condom was where it should be, at the base of Assange's penis. Anna and Assange resumed having sex and Anna says that she thought that she 'just wanted to get it over with'.
After a short while, Anna notes that Assange withdraws from her and begins to adjust the condom. Judging from the sound, according to Anna, it seemed that Assange removed the condom. He entered her again and continued the copulation. Anna once again handled his penis and, as before, felt the rim of the condom at the base of the penis; she therefore let him continue.
Shortly thereafter, Assange ejaculated inside her and then withdrew. When Assange removed the condom from his penis, Anna saw that it did not contain any semen. When Anna began to move her body she noticed that something 'ran' out of her vagina. Anna understood rather quickly that it must be Assange's semen. She pointed this out to Assange, but he denied it and replied that it was only her own wetness. Anna is convinced that when he withdrew from her the first time, Assange deliberately broke the condom at its tip and then continued copulating to ejaculation. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Wait. And as noted, you are suspected and will be formally notified of that suspicion, and it is for the crime of molestation. The formal notification reads as follows: 'During the period from 13 to 14 August 2010, in Anna Ardin's residence at Tjurbergsgatan in Stockholm, Assange molested Anna Ardin during an act of copulation which was begun and conducted under the express condition that a condom would be used by purposely damaging the condom and continuing the copulation until he ejaculated in her vagina.'
Leif Silbersky (JA legal counsel): Is that everything?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Yes.
Julian Assange: Is this one or two incidents?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): One incident.
Julian Assange: The 13th, the 14th [inaudible].
Gun von Krusenstjerna (interpreter): In the evening or_?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): It is during this period between the 13th...
Julian Assange: Between._ O.K.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And so this is the question: What is your response to this accusation?
Leif Silbersky (JA legal counsel): Is it correct or incorrect?
Julian Assange: I am trying to understand exactly what he said.
Gun von Krusenstjerna (interpreter): Can you repeat it one more time?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): I can try_. The molestation would be in that you destroyed the condom.
Julian Assange: O.K.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And that you would have done so intentionally.
Julian Assange: Yes. So in other words there are several condoms?
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Yes, in this context no, in this context it has to do with one condom on one occasion.
Julian Assange: O.K., so it's one incident...
Gun von Krusenstjerna (interpreter): One condom.
Julian Assange: Between the 13th and the 14th when you say that I have intentionally destroyed a condom during copulation.
Leif Silbersky (JAlegal counsel): Correct. What is your response to that?
Julian Assange: It is not true.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The interview is resumed at 6:02 p.m._ If I put it like this: You denied committing the crime and so my question is, are you aware of an event during which a condom has broken in connection with sex with Anna?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The interview is resumed at 6:02 p.m._ If I put it like this: You denied committing the crime and so my question is, are you aware of an event during which a condom has broken in connection with sex with Anna?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Is it true that you have had a sexual relationship, you and Anna?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had a sexual relationship from that Friday, the 13th, for a couple of days. We slept in the same bed until the following Friday [AUGUST 20, THE DAY JULIAN ASSANGE MOVED OUT OF ANNA ARDIN'S FLAT].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): What sort of sexual relationship was it; were there several occasions?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Was a condom used on any of those occasions?
Julian Assange: On the first occasion; and we had sex several times on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th]. And afterwards, on the other days as well, we also had a sexual relationship.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The subsequent sexual relations, did they also involve copulation?
Julian Assange: No, it was more_ we touched each other.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): So we're talking about one time when copulation was involved?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had intercourse on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And that was once, or was it several times?
Julian Assange: Several times.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And so the first time was with a condom?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And who was it that wanted to use a condom?
Julian Assange: I'm not sure.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And why was a condom not used with the subsequent acts of copulation?
Julian Assange: It was used with the subsequent acts of copulation.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): O.K. I misunderstood. So you had intercourse, and then only with a condom?
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The accusation appears to be that a condom was damaged after the copulation; and it is Anna's contention that, on one occasion when you withdrew your penis, it sounded at first as though you removed the condom. But when you entered her again,she felt with her hand and she could feel you were still wearing the condom. Then you ejaculated and, among other things, she felt that she had semen inside her. And she also looked at the condom, and there was no semen in the condom. And so the question to you is: Is this a situation that you recognize in any way?
Julian Assange: No. On one occasion Anna pointed to the bed, which had a wet spot, and said, 'Look at that. Is that you?' I said, 'No, it must be you'. And there was no more discussion about that, not a word until the accusation last Friday, a week afterward.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Are we talking about the first occasion again_.
Julian Assange: And during that time, except for one night, Anna and I slept in the same bed. Every night except Tuesday night [DOES HE MEAN MONDAY NIGHT, WHEN HE SLEPT AT SOPHIA WILEN'S?] and Thursday night [ACCORDING TO ANNA'S AUG 21 POLICE INTERVIEW SHE STAYED WITH A FRIEND]. On Thursday evening Anna said she was going out for a few hours to visit a journalist who wrote something about me and who lived in the same area, or the same housing complex or nearby. But she did not return that evening.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Do you remember what you did with the condom?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And you have no recollection of a damaged condom, either?
Julian Assange: No. Nor have I searched for a damaged condom.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Do you use a condom otherwise?
Julian Assange: Yes, usually; not always, but usually.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And you say that you did not check, or you say that you do not recall what you did with the condom. Is that correct?
Julian Assange: Yes, that is correct.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): What do you normally do?
Julian Assange: I have no special routine for what I do with condoms.
Julian Assange: When I now think back on that situation, it was no unusual occasion for me and I had no reason to suspect that I would be accused of anything afterwards. No, there was no question of any accusations of any sort, in any way. So I do not really remember when I heard the first accusation before Friday. I did not think back on that evening and night in any great detail.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Is it true that you have had a sexual relationship, you and Anna?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had a sexual relationship from that Friday, the 13th, for a couple of days. We slept in the same bed until the following Friday [AUGUST 20, THE DAY JULIAN ASSANGE MOVED OUT OF ANNA ARDIN'S FLAT].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): What sort of sexual relationship was it; were there several occasions?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Was a condom used on any of those occasions?
Julian Assange: On the first occasion; and we had sex several times on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th]. And afterwards, on the other days as well, we also had a sexual relationship.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The subsequent sexual relations, did they also involve copulation?
Julian Assange: No, it was more_ we touched each other.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): So we're talking about one time when copulation was involved?
Julian Assange: Yes, we had intercourse on the 13th and the 14th [NIGHT OF THE 13TH/MORNING OF 14th].
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And that was once, or was it several times?
Julian Assange: Several times.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And so the first time was with a condom?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And who was it that wanted to use a condom?
Julian Assange: I'm not sure.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): And why was a condom not used with the subsequent acts of copulation?
Juli |
Name(s:) |
Julian Assange |
Title: |
Editor in Chief |
Agency(ies): |
WikiLeaks |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link
Q On another matter, WikiLeaks says it's going to release about half of the 15,000 documents it withheld because of its admitted concern about their sensitivity initially. Does this trouble you more than the initial release?
MR. GIBBS: Look, I would -- I don't know that it would be easy to quantify the troubling nature of the initial releases with this release as well. I think all of the releases have been troubling.
We discussed the nature of what's in these documents, why there are laws in place to ensure that documents that are classified as secret and top secret aren't posted on the Internet. It's the safety and the security of our soldiers. And I think if you go back to the beginning of -- or go back to the initial release of documents and find what the spokesman for the Taliban said specifically about names that they found in those documents, that they knew how to deal with those individuals. I think we're clear on what that means. And I think we're clear on the danger that those that are helping an effort to provide safety and security and peace to the Afghans, how that is threatened by those who wish to do us harm and those who wish to continue to garner attention for themselves by posting these documents on the Internet. |
Name(s:) |
Robert Gibbs |
Title: |
Press Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Office of the Press Secretary, White House |
Url: |
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Archive: |
http://archive.is/Rd2az |
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system
On Friday she telephoned those in charge and asked if it was O.K. to attend. She was told that she was one of the first to apply, so that it would probably be all right. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Great WikiLeaks panel in London (top video) http://bit.ly/b7EsGt |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Frontline talk on Afghan War Dairy (video) http://bit.ly/bkO0pB |
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WikiLeaks tweet The State of War | NYTimes editorial http://nyti.ms/8YSCWA |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Super panel: How WikiLeaks is changing the face of Journalism (video) http://bit.ly/cQZFGJ |
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WikiLeaks tweet RT @charlesdavis84: WikiLeaks kills *another* 3 Afghan civilians - Oh wait, it was the US military. Never mind, nothing to see here. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Iraq massacre eye-witness story (video) http://bit.ly/agov0I |
Assange is the principal speaker at the seminar; Anna Ardin plays a key supporting role. Assange spends the afternoon with Sofia Wiln, during which they engage in heavy petting and agree to meet again. That evening, Anna Ardin arranges a crayfish party in Assange's honor and expresses great delight at the company she is keeping. Alternative lodgings are offered to Assange, but Ms. Ardin invites him to continue residing at her flat. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I [Irmeli Krans] conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
They went out via the inner courtyard, and she [Sophia Wilen] went to the toilet. When she came out, he was lying on his back and resting on a permanent picnic table; he said he was exhausted. He was due at a crayfish party at 8:00 p.m. and wanted to sleep for 20 minutes before departing. They lay down beside each other on the grass, he with his arm around her. He dozed off and she woke him after twenty minutes. They walked off across the grass, passing cows and Canada geese. He held her hand; it was pleasant in every way, and he said, 'You are very attractive_ to me_.' During the Cosmonova performance, he has also said she had lovely breasts. She asked him if they would meet again. He said that of course they would, after the crayfish party. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
To my question Anna replies that she knew about Sofia, because she had been in contact with Anna before the above-mentioned seminar and was in the audience at the presentation. According to Anna, Sofia had purchased electrical cables for Assange, and had joined Anna and Assange for lunch after the seminar. Anna noticed that Assange had flirted with Sofia during lunch and understood that they subsequently had begun some sort of relationship, because Assange had rung to Sofia later in the evening during the crayfish party at Anna's place. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I [Irmeli Krans] conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
The others left after lunch, leaving only Sofia, Julian, and Julian's companion. They all went off together to buy an electric cable for Julian's computer. Kjell & Co. didn't have the item; so they proceeded to Webhallen on Sveav_gen Street, but it was closed again. They walked back on Sveav_gen St. toward H_torget Square and discussed what they would do next. Julian's companion asked him if he wanted to come along and help move furniture for his [companion's] parents; and Sofia offered Julian a visit to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, where she worked. It was decided that Julian would accompany Sofia to the museum, and his companion left them. Julian and Sofia entered the H_torget tube station where she bought a day-ticket for him, as he had neither a monthly commuter card nor, he said, any money. They took the train toward M_rby Centrum and got off at the Stockholm University station. A man at the station recognized Julian and told him how much he admired him.
On the way from the university tube station, Julian stopped to pet a few dogs, which Sofia thought was charming. Once in the museum they went to the staff room where Julian sat down and began surfing the Internet; he was looking for tweets about himself. They sat there, waiting for a film that was to be shown at the Cosmonova theatre at 18:00.
They were let into the theatre by Sofia's colleague, and Julian held Sofia's hand. In the darkness of the theatre, he began kissing her. Some latecomers arrived and sat behind them, so they moved to seats at the rear. There, Julian continued kissing her; he caressed her breasts under the jumper, undid her bra, unbuttoned her pants, caressed her buttocks, and sucked her nipples. He muttered about the armrest being in the way. When the lights went on, she was sitting in his lap and he attempted to put her bra back on. She thought it was embarrassing to sit there in full view of her colleagues, who she knew could have seen everything.
They went out via the inner courtyard, and she went to the toilet. When she came out, he was lying on his back and resting on a permanent picnic table; he said he was exhausted. He was due at a crayfish party at 8:00 p.m. and wanted to sleep for 20 minutes before departing. They lay down beside each other on the grass, he with his arm around her. He dozed off and she woke him after twenty minutes. They walked off across the grass, passing cows and Canada geese. He held her hand; it was pleasant in every way, and he said, 'You are very attractive_ to me_.' During the Cosmonova performance, he has also said she had lovely breasts. She asked him if they would meet again. He said that of course they would, after the crayfish party.
She accompanied him to the Zinkensdamm tube station, from which he took a cab to Anna Ardin's home where the party was to take place. He hugged her and said he didn't want to part from her; he encouraged her to recharge her mobile phone. She returned to her home town of Enk_ping, arriving at her flat at 11:00 p.m. When she recharged her telephone, there was a voice message from Julian; he had called her at 10:55 p.m. with a message to call him when her phone was working again. She rang back at 11:15 p.m. and realized that he was still at the crayfish party. She had developed stomach cramps from a sandwich she had eaten on the way home, and told him that she wanted to go to bed. He insinuated it was not due to the food, but rather to guilt feelings. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Assange is the principal speaker at the seminar; Anna Ardin plays a key supporting role. Assange spends the afternoon with Sofia Wiln, during which they engage in heavy petting and agree to meet again. That evening, Anna Ardin arranges a crayfish party in Assange's honor and expresses great delight at the company she is keeping. Alternative lodgings are offered to Assange, but Ms. Ardin invites him to continue residing at her flat. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system
However, Sofia got no further response, and suddenly one day she saw an advert with the time and place. The presentation was to take place in the headquarters of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation at Norra Bantorget on Saturday, 14 August.
She [Sophia Wilen] sat at the far right in the front row of the meeting room. The speaker would stand at the left front. Everyone else in the room seemed to be a journalist. A half-hour before the presentation was to begin, Anna asked Sofia if she could help by purchasing a cable for Julian's computer. A cable was lacking, and Sofia had [emphasis in the English Translation] offered to help out. Sofia went up to Julian to find out what type of cable he needed. He explained what kind it was and also wrote it on a slip of paper. She took the paper and placed it in her pocket. Julian said contemptuously, 'You didn't even look at the note'. She replied that she didn't need to, as he had already explained what type of cable it was.
She took a cab to the Webhallen shop on Sveav_gen Street, but it was closed. It was 10:30 a.m. and the store would not open until 11:00. But that was when the presentation was scheduled to begin, so Sofia became a bit stressed. The cabbie drove her instead to H_torget Square, where she bought two variants of the cable for safety's sake. She got back in time and had the right cable, but received no thanks from Julian for helping out. The presentation went well. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
To my question Anna replies that she knew about Sofia, because she had been in contact with Anna before the above-mentioned seminar and was in the audience at the presentation. According to Anna, Sofia had purchased electrical cables for Assange, and had joined Anna and Assange for lunch after the seminar. Anna noticed that Assange had flirted with Sofia during lunch and understood that they subsequently had begun some sort of relationship, because Assange had rung to Sofia later in the evening during the crayfish party at Anna's place. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
WikiLeaks seminar Stockholm Sweden August 2010 SVT Forum |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Wikileaks Press |
Title: |
Suspicious Behavior,The strange case of the WikiLeaks editor and the Swedish prosecutor |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
At a meeting on the future activities of WikiLeaks in Sweden, Anna Ardin serves as Assange's press secretary. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
She [Sophia Wilen] rang Julian twice on Sunday, but his phone was turned off. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link
Here is the text of the letter, dated Aug. 16 and signed by General Counsel Jeh C. Johnson. Words that were underlined in the original are presented here in all capital letters:
Dear Mr. Matusheski
I understand that you represent yourself to be an attorney for WikiLeaks and that you, on behalf of that organization, sought a conversation with someone in the United States Government to discuss 'harm minimization' with respect to some 15,000 U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks is holding and is threatening to make public. In response, I was prepared to speak with you yesterday at 10:00am EDT and convey the position of the Department of Defense. Despite your agreement to be available by telephone yesterday morning, we could not reach you at that time.
The position of the Department of Defense is clear, and it should be conveyed to your client in no uncertain terms: WikiLeaks is holding the property of the U.S. Government, including classified documents and sensitive national security information that has not been authorized for release. Further, it is the view of the Department of Defense that WikiLeaks obtained this material in circumstances that constitute a violation of United States law, and that as long as WikiLeaks holds this material, the violation of the law is ongoing.
The Secretary of Defense has made clear the damage to our national security by the public release by WikiLeaks of some 76,000 classified documents several weeks ago, and the threat to the lives of coalition forces in Afghanistan and to the lives of local Afghan nationals as a result. As the Secretary has also stated, we know from various sources that our enemy is accessing the WikiLeaks website for the purpose of exploiting WikiLeaks' illegal and irresponsible actions, to pursue their own terrorist aims.
The threatened release of additional classified documents by WikiLeaks will add to the damage. Among other sensitive items, we believe the classified documents contain, like the first batch of released documents, the names of Afghan nationals who are assisting coalition forces in our efforts to bring about peace and stability in that portion of the world.
Thus, the Department of Defense will NOT negotiate some 'minimized' or 'sanitized' version of a release by WikiLeaks of additional U.S. Government classified documents. The Department demands that NOTHING further be released by WikiLeaks, that ALL of the U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks has obtained be returned immediately, and that WikiLeaks remove and destroy all of these records from its databases.
Jeh Charles Johnson |
Name(s:) |
Jeh Johnson |
Title: |
General Counsel |
Agency(ies): |
Department of Defense |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/IpLJW |
Assange accompanies Sofia Wiln to her flat in the town of Enk_ping. He wears a condom during several consensual acts of sexual intercourse. Then he penetrates her once without a condom. She warns that he'd 'better not have HIV' but lets him continue without objection. They part on apparently friendly terms and agree to meet again. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
On Monday she [Sophia Wilen] told her work mates about her experiences on the weekend. Their opinion was that Julian had surely felt rejected by her and that was why he had not called back, that it was now her move. She rang him and he answered. She asked if they could do something together. He said that he would be at a meeting that could drag on until 8:30 p.m., but that he could ring her back later. He also asked about her stomach. He insinuated that she had lied about her stomach cramps, and when he said that he referred to her in the third person. She promised to wait for him, and after she finished work at 7:00 p.m. she went to Kungshallarna to eat sushi. Afterwards she strolled around town and ended up in the Old Town around 9:00 p.m. As he still had not contacted her, she called him and asked what was happening. He said that he was in a meeting on Hornsgatan Street, and that he wanted her to come there. She got the address and went there. But she could not find the address, so she rang Julian whose phone was answered by a man who spoke Swedish and explained that she was to enter via a side entrance. She stood there and was waiting for him when he came out together with another man; they said goodbye to each other and looked very happy.
Julian and Sofia walked along Hornsgatan Street to Slussen, and from there to the Old Town. They sat near the water by Munkbroleden and he commented on girls who sat there, 'lonely and abandoned' who 'needed to be saved'. They lay down and began a session of very heavy petting. Among other things, he put his hands under her jumper and when they left the area she noticed people were looking at them. They decided to go to her place. They entered the Underground where his card was no longer valid; she passed him through by using her own card twice. They took the train to Enk_ping from the Central Station; she paid for the tickets, SEK 107 each (ca. USD 8). He said he did not want to use his credit card, to avoid being traced. They sat at the rear of the train, facing the direction of travel. Julian connected his computer to the Internet and started reading about himself on Twitter, using both his computer and mobile phone. He paid more attention to the computer than to her. She had suggested that they check in at a hotel, but he said that he wanted to see 'girls in their natural habitat.
It was dark when they got off the train and they passed old industry buildings where he went off to urinate. She also urinated. When they arrived at her flat she went into the bedroom before him to clean up a bit before he came in. They took off their shoes and the relationship between them did not feel warm anymore. The passion and excitement had disappeared. They snogged in the bedroom, but she wanted to brush her teeth. It was midnight, pitch black outside, and they brushed their teeth together, which felt commonplace and boring.
When they want back in the bedroom Julian stood in front of Sofia, grabbed her hips and pushed her demonstratively down onto the bed, as if he to show that he was a real man. He took off his clothes and they had foreplay on the bed. They were naked and he rubbed his penis against her genital region without penetrating her, but coming closer and closer to her vagina. She squeezed her legs together because she did not want to have intercourse with him without protection. They carried on for hours and Julian could not get a full erection. Julian had no interest in using a condom.
Suddenly, Julian said that he was going to get some sleep. She felt rejected and shocked. It was so abrupt: They had engaged in a very lengthy foreplay, and then nothing. She asked what was wrong; she did not understand anything. He drew the blanket over himself, turned away from her and went to sleep. She left him and got her fleece blanket because she was cold. She lay awake, wondering what had happened, and sent SMS messages to her friends. He lay beside her, snoring. She must have dozed off; for, later she woke up and they had sex. Earlier, she had fetched some condoms and laid them on the floor by the bed. He reluctantly agreed to use a condom, although he muttered that he preferred her to latex. He no longer had an erection problem. At one point when he took her from behind, she turned to look at him and smiled and he asked her why she was smiling, what had she to smile about. She did not like the undertone of his voice. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
iii.) 16 August 2010 Entry: 'SND was evaluated by the Brig Psychologist and found not to be a threat to himself. It is recommended that SND be removed from SR, and be placed on POI (sic) remain MAX custody.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
Url: |
Url Link
After consulting with the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I have directed a thorough investigation to determine the scope of any unauthorized release of classified information and identify the person or persons responsible. I have also established an interagency Information Review Task Force, led by the Defense Intelligence Agency, to assess the content of any compromised information and the impact of such a compromise. Our initial review indicates most of the information contained in these documents relates to tactical military operations. The initial assessment in no way discounts the risk to national security; however, the review to date has not revealed any sensitive intelligence source and methods comprised by this disclosure.
The documents do contain the names of cooperative Afghan national and the Department takes very seriously the Taliban threats recently discussed in the press. We access the risk as likely to cause significant harm or damage to the national security interest of the United States and are examining mitigation options. We are working closely with our allies to determine what risks out mission partners may face as a result of the disclosure. There is a possibility that additional military documents may be published by WikiLeaks and the Department is developing courses of action to address this possibility.
The scope of the assessment and nature of the investigative process requires a great deal of time and effort. I am committed to investigating this matter and determining appropriate action to reduce the risk of any such compromises in the future. We will keep you informed as additional information becomes available. |
Name(s:) |
Robert Gates |
Title: |
Secretary of Defense |
Agency(ies): |
Department of Defense |
Concerning: |
Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA, Information Review Task Force, IRTF |
Url: |
Url Link
Author: |
Robert Gates |
Title: |
Secretary of Defense |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Department of Defense |
Audience: |
United States Senator Carl Levin |
iv.) 17 August 2010 Entry: 'The Brig Psychiatrist found SND to be a reduced threat to himself on 6 August 2010.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
Url: |
Url Link
WASHINGTON, DC Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa, today in a letter to National Security Advisor Jim Jones, asked the Administration to respond to questions and provide information about efforts to prevent the Internet publication of leaked national security documents. Issa's query comes in advance of the anticipated publication of classified Department of Defense documents obtained by the organization WikiLeaks.
'Concerns of Pentagon officials that the anticipated publication of classified documents by WikiLeaks will cause significant harm to national security interests and place lives at risk underscores the importance of having relevant Federal agencies working under a unified strategy,' said Rep. Issa on sending the letter. 'Because information can move rapidly over the Internet, and into the hands of our enemies, it is imperative that diplomatic, law enforcement, and other government efforts are being effectively coordinated to protect sensitive information and ultimately innocent lives.'
Rep. Issa's letter requests that the Administration provide information including specific diplomatic and legal steps it is taking in regard to WikiLeaks by August 23, 2010. |
Agency(ies): |
House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform, United States House of Representatives |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Representative Darrell Issa's Letter to Marine Corps General James L. Jones, National Security Advisor, Executive Office of the President |
Author: |
Darrell Issa (CA-R) |
Title: |
United States Representative, Ranking Member |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, United States House of Representatives |
Audience: |
Marine Corps General James Jones, National Security Advisor |
Title: |
Issa Queries Administration on Classified Documents Obtained by WikiLeaks |
Author: |
Darrell Issa (CA-R) |
Title: |
United States Representative, Ranking Member |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform, United States House of Representative |
Archive Link |
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
They fell asleep, and when they woke up they may have had sex again; she does not really remember. He ordered her to fetch him some water and orange juice. She did not like being ordered about in her own home, but thought 'what the hell' and fetched the liquids anyway. He wanted her to go out and buy more breakfast. She did not want to leave him alone in the flat she really did not know him very well but she did it anyway. When she left the flat he lay naked in her bed and was fiddling with one of his telephones. Before she left she said, 'Be good'. He replied: 'Don't worry, I'm always bad'. When she returned she served him oatmeal porridge, milk, and juice. She had already eaten before he awoke, and had spoken with a friend on the phone.
They sat on the bed and talked, and he took off her clothes again. They had sex again and she suddenly discovered that he had placed the condom only over the head of his penis; but she let it be. They dozed off and she awoke and felt him penetrating her. She immediately asked, 'Are you wearing anything?', to which he replied, 'You'. She said to him: 'You better don't have HIV', and he replied, 'Of course not'. 'She felt that it was too late. He was already inside her and she let him continue. She didn't have the energy to tell him one more time. She had gone on and on about condoms all night long. She has never had unprotected sex before. He said he wanted to come inside her; he did not say when he did, but he did it. A lot ran out of her afterward.
She said to him: What if I get pregnant? In reply he merely said that Sweden is a good country to have children in. She said jokingly that, if she is pregnant, he would have to pay off her student loan. On the train to Enk_ping, he had told her that he had slept in Anna Ardin's bed after the crayfish party. She asked if he had sex with Anna. But he said that Anna liked girls, that she was lesbian. But now she knows that he did the same thing with Anna. She asked him how many he had had sex with, but he replied that he had not counted. He also said that he had taken a HIV test three months earlier and that he had had sex with one girl afterwards, but that girl had also taken a HIV test and was not infected. She made sarcastic comments to him in a jocular tone. She believes that she was trying to minimize, in her own mind, the significance of what had happened. He, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. When he learned the size of her student loan he said that, if he were to pay so such money, she would have to give birth. They joked about naming the child Afghanistan. He also said that he should always carry abortion pills that were actually sugar pills.
His phone rang and he had a meeting with Aftonbladet on Tuesday at noon. She explained to him that he could not get to the meeting on time and he moved his entire schedule for the day forward one hour. Then they bicycled to the train station with her on the luggage rack. She paid for his ticket to Stockholm. Before they parted he told her to keep her phone on. She asked if he would call her, and he said that he would.
She cycled home, showered, and washed the bed sheets. Because she had not gone to work on time, she called in sick and stayed home all day. She wanted to clean up and wash everything. There was semen on the bed sheets; she thought it was disgusting. She also went to the chemist's and bought a morning-after pill. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive Link
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2010 Defense Department officials today released a letter the Pentagon's top lawyer sent to a man purported to be an attorney for the WikiLeaks website, which published tens of thousands of classified documents last month and is threatening to release 15,000 more.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters this afternoon that Timothy J. Matusheski was a 'no show' for a telephone call that was arranged last week when his name and purported status as a WikiLeaks attorney came up in an investigation of the document leak.
The following day, Whitman said, the Pentagon's general counsel codified the Defense Department's position in a letter and sent it to Matusheski.
Here is the text of the letter, dated Aug. 16 [2010] and signed by General Counsel Jeh C. Johnson. Words that were underlined in the original are presented here in all capital letters:
Dear Mr. Matusheski
I understand that you represent yourself to be an attorney for WikiLeaks and that you, on behalf of that organization, sought a conversation with someone in the United States Government to discuss 'harm minimization' with respect to some 15,000 U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks is holding and is threatening to make public. In response, I was prepared to speak with you yesterday at 10:00am EDT and convey the position of the Department of Defense. Despite your agreement to be available by telephone yesterday morning, we could not reach you at that time.
The position of the Department of Defense is clear, and it should be conveyed to your client in no uncertain terms:
WikiLeaks is holding the property of the U.S. Government, including classified documents and sensitive national security information that has not been authorized for release. Further, it is the view of the Department of Defense that WikiLeaks obtained this material in circumstances that constitute a violation of United States law, and that as long as WikiLeaks holds this material, the violation of the law is ongoing.
The Secretary of Defense has made clear the damage to our national security by the public release by WikiLeaks of some 76,000 classified documents several weeks ago, and the threat to the lives of coalition forces in Afghanistan and to the lives of local Afghan nationals as a result. As the Secretary has also stated, we know from various sources that our enemy is accessing the WikiLeaks website for the purpose of exploiting WikiLeaks' illegal and irresponsible actions, to pursue their own terrorist aims.
The threatened release of additional classified documents by WikiLeaks will add to the damage. Among other sensitive items, we believe the classified documents contain, like the first batch of released documents, the names of Afghan nationals who are assisting coalition forces in our efforts to bring about peace and stability in that portion of the world.
Thus, the Department of Defense will NOT negotiate some 'minimized' or 'sanitized' version of a release by WikiLeaks of additional U.S. Government classified documents. The Department demands that NOTHING further be released by WikiLeaks, that ALL of the U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks has obtained be returned immediately, and that WikiLeaks remove and destroy all of these records from its databases.
Jeh Charles Johnson |
Agency(ies): |
American Forces Press Service, Department of Defense |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/IpLJW |
Title: |
Defense.gov Names Top Stories of 2010 |
Author: |
Jennifer Cragg |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Emerging Media, Defense Media Activity |
Notes: |
The Department of Defense links to this press release again on December 21, 2010 in a press release titled, 'Defense.gov Names Top Stories of 2010' |
Archive Link |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Thailand uses emergency powers to block WikiLeaks | AFP http://bit.ly/b2cUjS |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet RSF: 'We reaffirm our support for Wikileaks, its work and its founding principles. ' http://bit.ly/9CfZ4f |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Be an Army of One for Bradley Manning http://bit.ly/bs0oNU |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Colombia Uni visualizes the Afghan war http://nyti.ms/9Dqn3V |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon: Our Bad, We DID Talk to WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/drEBcq |
19 August 2010 Sofia Wiln phones Anna Ardin to seek assistance in contacting Assange. It is not clear what they discussed with each other or with Assange. Ms. Ardin asks Assange to move out of her flat, which he does the following morning. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
The following night, Anna stayed with a friend because she did not want to be with or near Assange due to his strange behaviour. She had also said after Wednesday 18 August that she no longer wanted Assange to reside at her flat [DID SHE ASK HIM TO LEAVE? WHEN? UNCLEAR], which he did not act upon until Friday [yesterday], when he took his things and returned her key. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link
QUESTION: Would you like to add anything to the WikiLeaks ongoing saga with the Pentagon?
MR. CROWLEY: There's nothing new that I'm aware of. |
Name(s:) |
Phillip J. Crowley |
Title: |
Assistant Secretary |
Agency(ies): |
Public Affairs, Department of State |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/5DhAs |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon wants 'total censorship'; doesn't give a damn about Afghans: http://bit.ly/b3N2Pu |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Time mentions Abu Laith al-Libi assassination attempt. Neglects to mention killed 7 children. http://bit.ly/dq8FuS |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Iceland aiming to become global free press haven | AFP http://bit.ly/cYjy7V |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks vs. Pentagon: Phony finger pointing | CBS http://bit.ly/dAFKK1 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Why WikiLeaks must be protected | New Statesman http://bit.ly/cQffiC |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Claims Military Warned to Not Watch/View Wikileaks info or be 'Court Marshalled' | Alex Jones http://bit.ly/acnwKx |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet ThaiLeaks announced http://bit.ly/a3R9Ic |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Waiting for Wikileaks: Beijing's Seven Secrets | NYB http://bit.ly/agnR6H |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet It is time to open the archives. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Was WikiLeaks right? Interesting BBC interview with NYT, RSF & Heather Brooke http://bbc.in/artrCh |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet 'All we have to do is release the password to that material and it is instantly available,' | BBC http://bbc.in/9pJjAx |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet DoD's General Counsel is apparently an 'incompetent authority' http://bit.ly/baHrE5 v. http://bit.ly/b3N2Pu |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon: The free press trying to do the right thing are worse than Iran: http://bit.ly/a65tRI |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon won't negotiate, but can't count. 15k documents out in PR. http://bit.ly/baHrE5 http://bit.ly/aWbowV |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Ray McGovern: How many lives will WikiLeaks save? http://bit.ly/9qLP9M |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pourquoi il faut protger Wikileaks http://bit.ly/cVOnGW |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Is the US in danger of drifting into a military dictatorship? http://bit.ly/bNoimK |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pat Tillman's death (http://bit.ly/cCwHyw ) is an example of an event missing from the War Diary http://bit.ly/buPyez |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet FOIA end times: DHS diverted hundreds of requests for 'political review' | AP http://bit.ly/94EeUh |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks works around censorship in Thailand | AFP http://bit.ly/94EeUh |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Secret US assassination squad Task Force 373 http://bit.ly/aCpsFM |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Antiwar activists rally around soldier suspected of leaking classified material to WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/aS5IGC |
Anna states that she and Assange did not have sex again after the above-mentioned event. However, Assange continued residing with her until yesterday (Friday, 20 August).
Anna states that she and Assange did not have sex again after the above-mentioned event. However, Assange continued residing with her until yesterday (Friday, 20 August). According to Anna, Assange made sexual advances to her every day after the evening when they had sex, for example by touching her breasts. Anna had rejected Assange on every such occasion, which Assange had accepted. On one occasion (on Wednesday, 18 August) he had suddenly removed all the clothes from his lower body, and then rubbed his lower body and erect penis against Anna. Anna states that she felt this was strange and unpleasant behavior, and had therefore moved down to a mattress on the floor and slept there instead of on the bed with Assange. The following night, Anna stayed with a friend because she did not want to be with or near Assange due to his strange behaviour. She had also said after Wednesday 18 August that she no longer wanted Assange to reside at her flat [DID SHE ASK HIM TO LEAVE? WHEN DID SHE ASK HIM TO LEAVE? UNCLEAR], which he did not act upon until Friday [yesterday], when he took his things and returned her key. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Yesterday, Anna received an e-mail message from Sofia who wondered how she could contact Assange, as she had something important to tell him. Anna understood immediately what it was about; she contacted Sofia who then related what had happened to her that she and Assange had had sex, that he did not want to use a condom, etc. Sofia wanted to take this further to the police and Anna decided to follow along, primarily as support. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Yesterday, Anna received an e-mail message from Sofia who wondered how she could contact Assange, as she had something important to tell him. Anna understood immediately what it was about; she contacted Sofia who then related what had happened to her that she and Assange had had sex, that he did not want to use a condom, etc. Sofia wanted to take this further to the police and Anna decided to follow along, primarily as support. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Mats Gehlin (police officer): The interview is resumed at 6:02 p.m._ If I put it like this: You denied committing the crime and so my question is, are you aware of an event during which a condom has broken in connection with sex with Anna?
Julian Assange: No.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Have you had_.
Julian Assange: I have heard that accusation.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): You have heard that accusation. From whom?
Julian Assange: Friday, the 20th, the same day that the police were contacted, I spoke with Anna and she accused me of several things. And there were a number of false statements, as well. During that conversation she made a similar accusation; she said that I had removed a condom during sex. That was the first time I heard that accusation.
Julian Assange: When I now think back on that situation, it was no unusual occasion for me and I had no reason to suspect that I would be accused of anything afterwards. No, there was no question of any accusations of any sort, in any way. So I do not really remember when I heard the first accusation before Friday. I did not think back on that evening and night in any great detail.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): This accusation I might sound like I'm nagging, but I still have to ask. It is a fairly clear picture that Anna has of what happened, especially about hearing a sound from the condom [?].
Julian Assange: Anna Ardin has never spoken to me about this incident in any way nor anyone else of whom I am aware. I got a very brief and completely different reference something other than what you are now saying [HEARING A SOUND FROM THE CONDOM?] on Friday, the 20th.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): When did you first hear from Anna about the problem we are discussing today?
Julian Assange: I have never heard about precisely this problem directly from Anna. Today [AUGUST 30] is the first time I have got an exact description of it.
Leif Silbersky (legal counsel for Julian Assange): So during that entire week when you resided with Anna, from Friday to Friday and you had various sexual relations, she said nothing about a broken condom?
Julian Assange: No, nothing at all. |
Name(s:) |
Julian Assange |
Title: |
Editor in Chief |
Agency(ies): |
WikiLeaks |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Any follow-up questions? O.K. then, is there anything you want to say before we terminate the interview?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Go ahead.
Julian Assange: I was contacted by a mutual friend of Anna and me [SONJA WHO?] on Friday, the 20th [WHAT TIME?]. It was a woman named Sonja [SONJA WHO?] who was at the hospital [WHICH HOSPITAL?]. She said something about DNA and the police and I was very upset to hear that. No one alleged anything. It would be a long story if I were to go into that. It does not seem relevant.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): OK so we hereby conclude the interview.
Julian Assange: We can always continue if it is needed. But the main thing is that I and other people [WHO?], we heard a bunch of unbelievable lies [WHAT WERE THE LIES?], and heard that I was to meet Sonja [WHO IS THIS?] on Saturday afternoon to discuss the matter. Anna [ARDIN] had no accusations, and no one had any intention of going to the police and so on. That is how I expected things to remain until I heard the news in Expressen. |
Name(s:) |
Julian Assange |
Title: |
Editor in Chief |
Agency(ies): |
WikiLeaks |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
vi) 27 August 2010 Entry: 'SND has not presented any problems since his last review on 20 August 2010 and has been an overall average detainee. |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Url: |
Url Link
In the course of the interview, Sofia and I were informed that Julian Assange had been arrested in absentia. After that, Sofia had difficulty concentrating, as a result of which I made the judgement that it was best to terminate the interview. But Sofia did mention that Assange was angry at her. There was not enough time to obtain any further information about why he was angry at her or how this was expressed. Nor did we have time to discuss what had happened afterwards. The interview was neither read back to Sofia nor read by her for approval; but Sofia was informed that she could do so at a later date. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks Publication Loveparade 2010 Duisburg planning documents, 2007-2010 |
Concerning: |
"WikiLeaks Publication |
Title: |
WikiLeaks Publication Loveparade 2010 Duisburg planning documents, 2007-2010 |
Concerning: |
"WikiLeaks Publication |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Julian Assange wins Sam Adams Award for Integrity http://bit.ly/bvxHYO |
2010-08-20 |
Yesterday, Anna received an e-mail message from Sofia who wondered how she could contact Assange, as she had something important to tell him. Anna understood immediately what it was about; she contacted Sofia who then related what had happened to her that she and Assange had had sex, that he did not want to use a condom, etc. Sofia wanted to take this further to the police and Anna decided to follow along, primarily as support. |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Film maker Michael More to contribute to Bradley Manning defense fund http://bit.ly/bbsEfU - what about you? |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Killing the wrong people in Afghanistan | CBS http://bit.ly/9CAEFm |
2010-08-20 |
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system.
In the course of the interview, Sofia and I were informed that Julian Assange had been arrested in absentia. After that, Sofia had difficulty concentrating, as a result of which I made the judgement that it was best to terminate the interview...The interview was neither read back to Sofia nor read by her for approval; but Sofia was informed that she could do so at a later date. |
Name(s:) |
Irmeli Krans |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Our big guns in defeating prior restraint: You. Latest WikiLeaks 'insurance' file now has over 100,000 downloads. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks strikes at DoD on twitter | The Hill http://bit.ly/aYFRjb |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet 'I was wrong' -- kudos to Sean Kelley http://bit.ly/avq8Fi |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Why won't the Pentagon help WikiLeaks redact documents? | Salon http://bit.ly/bPbcN8 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Loveparade, 24. Juli 2010 in Duisburg, 21 Tote, 511 Verletzte. Profit und Vertuschung sind mehr wert als Menschenleben. http://bit.ly/cIW1oZ |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Loveparade, 24. July 2010 Duisburg (DE), 21 dead, 511 wounded. Profits and cover-ups are more valuable than human life. http://bit.ly/cIW1oZ |
Expressen 20 August 2010 ran the breaking news 'WikiLeaks' Julian Assange hunted down, suspected of rape' - the 'hunted down' part of the headline is not found on the online version of Expressen's article anymore (the article was updated online on 21 August 2010 after senior prosecutor Eva Finn reversed the arrest order and found there were no grounds for the 'rape' allegations), but a picture of the full headline is available here. |
Agency(ies): |
Justice For Assange |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Prosecution, Irregularities in the conduct of the Swedish prosecution in the investigation against Julian Assange |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Justice For Assange |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link |
Title: |
Wikileaks grundare anhllen f_r vldt_kt |
Author: |
Av Diamant Salihu , Av Niklas Svensson |
Title: |
Reporter |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Expressen |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link |
Title: |
Original Expressen Headline |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Expressen |
Concerning: |
"Sweden Versus Assange |
Archive Link |
20 August 2010 Accompanied by Anna Ardin, Sofia Wiln visits a Stockholm police station by their own account, for the limited purpose of obtaining assistance in compelling Assange to take an HIV test. Anna Ardin is present during the interview with Ms. Wiln, which is conducted by a friend and political ally of Ms. Ardin [Irmelin Krans].
On the basis of very little information, prosecutor #1 [NAME OF PROSECUTOR No. 1] decides to arrest Assange in absentia on suspicion of rape and other sex crimes. When Ms. Wiln is informed of that decision, she is unable to continue the interview and leaves without approving the written account of it. News of the warrant is leaked to a Swedish tabloid [Expressen] and, within hours, global media are full of articles and headlines linking Assange's name to the word 'rape'.
21 August 2010 Less than one full day after the arrest warrant is issued, it is revoked by prosecutor #2 [NAME OF PROSECUTOR No. 2] who finds that there are no grounds for suspicion of rape or any other sex crime. Anna Ardin is interviewed by the police via telephone, and gives an account of her sexual encounter with Assange on 13 August which differs from what she has previously told friends. Now, she says that she was the victim of a sexual assault, during which Assange is said to have destroyed a condom and duped her into having unprotected sex. But the 'used' condom she subsequently provides as evidence turns out to be |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Any follow-up questions? O.K. then, is there anything you want to say before we terminate the interview?
Julian Assange: Yes.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): Go ahead.
Julian Assange: I was contacted by a mutual friend of Anna and me [SONJA WHO?] on Friday, the 20th [WHAT TIME?]. It was a woman named Sonja [SONJA WHO?] who was at the hospital [WHICH HOSPITAL?]. She said something about DNA and the police and I was very upset to hear that. No one alleged anything. It would be a long story if I were to go into that. It does not seem relevant.
Mats Gehlin (police officer): OK so we hereby conclude the interview.
Julian Assange: We can always continue if it is needed. But the main thing is that I and other people [WHO?], we heard a bunch of unbelievable lies [WHAT WERE THE LIES?], and heard that I was to meet Sonja [WHO IS THIS?] on Saturday afternoon to discuss the matter. Anna [ARDIN] had no accusations, and no one had any intention of going to the police and so on. That is how I expected things to remain until I heard the news in Expressen. |
Name(s:) |
Julian Assange |
Title: |
Editor in Chief |
Agency(ies): |
WikiLeaks |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
2010-09-27 |
21 August 27 September 2010 Since first learning of the accusations against him from news media, Assange has voluntarily remained in Sweden and made himself available to the police and prosecutor. Through his attorney, he has made repeated attempts to be interviewed by prosecutor Ny or her agents, but she has rejected all proposals. Finally, after five weeks and having secured Ms. Ny's consent, Assange departs for England. On the same day, Ms. Ny issues a secret warrant for Assange's arrest. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link
(Army Times) WikiLeaks founder is suspect in Swedish rape: STOCKHOLM WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange i... http://bit.ly/bVXppH #Military |
Agency(ies): |
All Military News |
Concerning: |
Pentagon Rape Campaign |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/ZOwoh |
Archive Link
RT @WOTN WikiLeak's Assange Wanted on Rape Charges: Embattled Wikileaks Founder Facing Rape Charge in Sweden V... http://bit.ly/c8D1xQ #SOT |
Agency(ies): |
All Military News |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/cDbAX |
Archive Link
RT @WOTN #SOT WikiLeak's Assange Wanted on Rape Charges http://ow.ly/18Ftoq |
Agency(ies): |
All Military News |
Concerning: |
Pentagon Rape Campaign |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/prQND |
Title: |
False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks |
Author: |
Scott Horton |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Harpers Magazine |
Concerning: |
"Pentagon Rape Campaign |
Archive Link |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Newsweek states DoD given access to our files. Untrue. Some limited access has been offered to make suggestions only. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet US gov lying on 'contact' issues. More evidence of contact from our lawyers to US gov: http://bit.ly/bbLzhJ |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet RT: @bobmcmillan: Are Pentagon lawyers who believe WikiLeaks acted illegally same ones who were OK with torture of prisoners? |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Prosecutors eye WikiLeaks charges | WSJ http://bit.ly/a58SeU |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Reminder: Free speech isn't free http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Special:Support |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet We were warned to expect 'dirty tricks'. Now we have the first one: http://bit.ly/bv5ku9 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Expressen is a tabloid; No one here has been contacted by Swedish police. Needless to say this will prove hugely distracting. |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet New Yorker's demand Manning's release http://bit.ly/bl586r |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon Lawyers Consider Criminal Charges Against WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/9sdVQq |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Julian Assange: the charges are without basis and their issue at this moment is deeply disturbing. |
2010-08-21 |
Name(s:) |
Sara Wennerblom |
Title: |
Interviewing Officer |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Official statement about the latest hot topic @ http://blog.wikileaks.org |
Archive Link
(Blackfive) Julian Assange, collateral rapist: Turns out that Julian Assange is now a collateral rapist, in additi... http://bit.ly/a8JkEK |
Agency(ies): |
All Military News |
Concerning: |
Pentagon Rape Campaign |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/nWdrR |
Title: |
False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks |
Author: |
Scott Horton |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Harpers Magazine |
Concerning: |
"Pentagon Rape Campaign |
Archive Link |
Title: |
WikiLeaks Publication ABC Foreign Correspondent video report on Thailand, 13 April 2010 |
Concerning: |
"WikiLeaks Publication |
Title: |
WikiLeaks Publication ABC Foreign Correspondent video report on Thailand, 13 April 2010 |
Concerning: |
"WikiLeaks Publication |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Sweden clears WikiLeaks editor of rape | Politico http://politi.co/96Iffk |
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WikiLeaks tweet Swedish arrest warrant revoked in Assange case | CNN http://bit.ly/aEOKWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet 'It seems an unusual time to embark on a career of multiple rape'. Wry wit from Guardian. http://bit.ly/bdG0V9 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Swedish political party to host new WikiLeaks servers http://bit.ly/cwujw6 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Reminder: US intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks as far back as 2008 http://bit.ly/9UkJkN |
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WikiLeaks tweet Ace voting machine activist, Hari Prasad, imprisoned http://bit.ly/ahhNAf |
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WikiLeaks tweet Admiral Mike 'blood on hands' Mullen having a nice steak dinner with a clear conscience http://bit.ly/bCdXsR |
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WikiLeaks tweet In the future, human rights will be increasingly a universal criterion for designing ethical systems. -- Mahnaz Afkhami |
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WikiLeaks tweet US prosecutors eye WikiLeaks charges | WSJ http://bit.ly/a58SeU |
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WikiLeaks tweet Reminder: Free speech isn't free. Support WikiLeaks! http://bit.ly/cpxJWC |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon lies about WikiLeaks exposed | Salon http://bit.ly/bPbcN8 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Why did Swedish prosecutors break their own policy in Assange case? http://bit.ly/cRKwVR |
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WikiLeaks tweet 'The charges are made and then withdrawn and the damage is done.' http://bit.ly/bQ44cO |
In the course of the interview, Sofia and I were informed that Julian Assange had been arrested in absentia. After that, Sofia had difficulty concentrating, as a result of which I made the judgement that it was best to terminate the interview. But Sofia did mention that Assange was angry at her. There was not enough time to obtain any further information about why he was angry at her or how this was expressed. Nor did we have time to discuss what had happened afterwards. The interview was neither read back to Sofia nor read by her for approval; but Sofia was informed that she could do so at a later date.
On Friday, 20 August 2010. I conducted an interview with complainant Sofia Wiln in connection with case #0201-K246314-10 at Klara Police Station. The interview commenced at 4:21 p.m. and was terminated at 6:40 p.m. The interview [protocol] was thereafter written with the word-processing program in the DurTv computer system. The interview was to be copyedited on my next workday, Monday the 23 rd of August 2010. That was not possible because I was denied access to the interview I had conducted. After an exchange of e-mails, I was directed by supervisor Mats Gehlin to instead create and sign a new interview in DurTv, which was done on 26 August with the necessary changes. Unfortunately, the date and time of that document conforms with the time that the changes were made, as that is done automatically by the DurTv system. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Archive Link
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/cadfS |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet WL: ABC Foreign Correspondent video report on Thailand http://bit.ly/bU7Kp6 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Former Swedish chief prosecutor, Sven-Erik Alhem, demands explanations in Assange case http://bit.ly/ae9e6G |
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WikiLeaks tweet RT @dontgetfooled: Al Jazeera grills Swedish prosecutor over 'defamation' of Julian Assange http://bit.ly/auqGcq |
Archive Link
Already in my application of 2010-08-24 to be appointed plaintiff counsel, I pointed out that the complainants would be in need of representation in their contacts with the police and prosecutors as well as with the media. |
Name(s:) |
Claes Borgstrom |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
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Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/QAwuy |
Archive Link
General Conway is the 34th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, General James T. Conway. General Conway has served as Commandant since November 13th of 2006, and is one of only two Commandants to serve his entire tenure during wartime... General Conway just returned from a trip to the Central Command region. Specifically, he and his group visited Romania, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Landstuhl, Germany. General Conway spent the majority of his trip visiting Marines and sailors in Helmand province in Afghanistan. And General Conway will retire this fall after more than 40 years of service. And he'll, again, give you a briefing on his recent travels, and then take your questions.
Q Thank you, General. Three questions into one. One, how does this WikiLeaks impact on your mission in Afghanistan? And two, as far as floods in Pakistan is concerned, is it impacting the mission in Afghanistan? And finally, as far as withdrawal and the mission change in Iraq, how does your soldiers or your Marines or your -- I mean people in Afghanistan are thinking that you can learn some method, some -- can you learn some lessons from Iraq into your mission in Afghanistan?
GEN. CONWAY: Sir, I missed the first question. Would you restate it?
Q WikiLeaks.
Q Yes, sir.
GEN. CONWAY: Okay. WikiLeaks was not helpful, to the degree that I think our partners are concerned that we could have such a serious breach. At the same time -- and I haven't -- I haven't examined all the documents. I haven't tasked anybody to do that. At the same time, except, perhaps, for compromising some of our sources, I don't think that it's being felt tactically on the battlefield. My troops chose not to raise it with me in a single question-and-answer session, so I don't think that the impact is severe, except as it relates to our capacity to maintain secrets.
The MEUs that are supporting Pakistan are the theater reserve for the theater commander. That he has chosen and elected to commit both the MEU that's there now and the future MEU, at least for a time, to Pakistan crisis requirements I think strips him of some of that capability to respond elsewhere in theater. But for purposes of Marines in Helmand, there is no impact. We aren't relying upon any of the MEU capacity in Helmand province to be able to continue our functions there.
In terms of Iraq, you know, we're out of Iraq, for all intents and purposes, have been now for the better part of a year, started the process really about a year before that. But we asked ourselves, to the essence of your question, what lessons are transferable -- that we learned over four or five years in Iraq -- to Afghanistan as we built up our presence there.
And we found there was about 70 percent application, probably, I mean, but you've got a different culture, different environment, different language, different tribal construct, different leadership, of course, that we've got to deal with. And so we focused on the delta.
We focused on that 30 percent and tried to, you know, inject that into our training to make our leadership more prepared and that manner of thing. And that's working for us.
None of it gets far from our old Small Wars Manual. You know, Marines back in the '20s in Central and South America learned many of these lessons in terms of this transition process that we talked about earlier. So a manual that's soon to be 100 years old has really been our beacon for the way ahead in terms of how we approach.
Q And so finally, troops are watching all the news, ups and downs, what is --
GEN. CONWAY: They're incredible informed, they really are.
Q -- what is happening around the globe.
Q How do you keep their morale? Because things change in their minds also, whatever they watch, whatever they hear, whatever they see.
GEN. CONWAY: Yeah. Well, again, I emphasize to them, the number-one concern on the part of American troops anywhere they go is the country behind us. That was the case in 2003. That's the case today in 2010.
And I'll tell you, I am so proud of our American public, that regardless how they see what happened in Iraq or what's happening in Afghanistan, they support the troops. And that's the message that they get from me; that's the message that they see when they come home on dwell. And in that regard, I'm just incredibly proud of our country.
Over here. Yes, sir. |
Name(s:) |
James Conway |
Title: |
Commandant |
Agency(ies): |
United States Marine Corps, Department of Defense |
Concerning: |
Afghan War Diary |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/efxhg |
v.) 24 August 2010 Entry: 'SND did not receive an average work and training report.' The entry also notes '[t]o this point in confinement, SND has presented no problems and has been courteous and respectful to staff. SNDs conduct has been excellent, so much so that is it apparent that he is extremely cautious about what he says or how he acts. During the interview SND was well spoken, groomed and neat in appearance.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
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Url Link
24 August 2010 A politician-lawyer named Claes Borgstr_m, who is in the midst of an election campaign and who is struggling to restore a tarnished legal reputation, becomes the publicly financed representative of Anna Ardin and Sofia Wiln. He immediately accuses Assange of sex crimes, cowardice, etc., in a 'trial by media' that has continued for 17 months. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
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Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet 'burn baby burn' neo con nutjobs take aim at WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/cvDCAl |
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WikiLeaks tweet Hahaha. Pentagon v. Wikileaks - Rap News http://bit.ly/aj1Fnz |
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WikiLeaks tweet Inside story on WikiLeaks (video) | Al Jazeera http://bit.ly/b2TVTh |
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WikiLeaks tweet Sweden to investigate rape allegations http://bit.ly/dpD1X5 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Fact free observations about WikiLeaks from the Heritage Foundation | Salon http://bit.ly/cNmmF3 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Assange prosecutor cited for secrecy breach | TheLocal http://bit.ly/d4nFCt |
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WikiLeaks tweet Can the US try WikiLeaks staff for espionage? Sure thing! | Opinio Juris http://bit.ly/aSijKg |
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WikiLeaks tweet Critiques en Belgique aprs la publication du dossier Dutroux sur WikiLeaks | AFP http://bit.ly/any0Vg |
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WikiLeaks tweet Jourklagaren anm_ls f_r brott mot sekretessreglerna http://bit.ly/cnxrGp |
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WikiLeaks tweet Facing Afghan mistrust, al-Qaeda fighters take limited role in insurgency | WaPo http://bit.ly/cyVkOT |
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WikiLeaks tweet False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks | Harpers http://bit.ly/9kb10N |
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WikiLeaks tweet Russian-US talks: Afghan War Diary confirms Russian fears http://bit.ly/boLsVC |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks to release CIA paper tomorrow. |
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WikiLeaks Publication CIA Red Cell Memorandum on United States 'exporting terrorism', 2 Feb 2010 |
Concerning: |
"WikiLeaks Publication |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet The possible prosecution of WikiLeaks | Antiwar http://bit.ly/dx2nc3 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Trying to exclude WikiLeaks from shield law stinks | First Amendment Center http://bit.ly/9kQ3kg |
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WikiLeaks tweet US Drone Strike Destroys House Full of Children in Pakistan | Antiwar http://bit.ly/aIooqs |
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WikiLeaks tweet Swedish press conference, earlier recorded, with Wikileaks/Assange now live on SVT http://bit.ly/aOYG3I |
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WikiLeaks tweet CIA killer drone attacks will may radicalize Yemen | Salon http://bit.ly/9HCCAm |
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WikiLeaks tweet TIME lists WikiLeaks as 20th best website in the world for 2010 http://bit.ly/cDY4HG |
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WikiLeaks tweet LEAK: CIA Red Cell Memorandum on the United States as an 'Exporter of Terrorism' http://bit.ly/coiatW |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks founder cleared of sex allegations | AP http://yhoo.it/cFJRWz |
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WikiLeaks tweet Improved Afghan War Diary interface from Le Monde & others http://bit.ly/aPizcy |
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WikiLeaks tweet CIA has confirmed the validity of the 'Exporting Terrorism' paper. |
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WikiLeaks tweet CIA usually does not confirm, so CIA likely wants to use Red Cell leak to push for policy change in US. |
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WikiLeaks tweet CNN baldly lies, stating SECRET//NOFORN is lowest level of classification http://bit.ly/cpCayz |
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WikiLeaks tweet Indian, not US press, has the best writeup of the CIA's 'Exportation of Terrorism' leak: http://bit.ly/b07IHR |
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WikiLeaks tweet Three days of global action to support alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning Sep 16-19! http://bit.ly/cn16tX |
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WikiLeaks tweet Congressional committee to vote on US withdrawl from Pakistan following leak http://bit.ly/bmlPYk |
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WikiLeaks tweet Julian Assange Gets The Bog Standard Smear Technique | Craig Murray http://bit.ly/cWgC2E |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Stockholm press conference (video 1/5) http://bit.ly/bfJx1r |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Stockholm press conference (video 2/5) http://bit.ly/alGsSS |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Stockholm press conference 'different duties to different publics' (video 3/5) http://bit.ly/bxIETM |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Stockholm press conference 'the hope is..' (video 4/5) http://bit.ly/ajN6sd |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks Stockholm press conference 'Sy Hersh couldn't get the story out..' (video 5/5) http://bit.ly/czEtoP |
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WikiLeaks tweet Pentagon's New Global Military Partner: Sweden http://bit.ly/dxMWD4 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Outcry in Belgium Over WikiLeaks publications of Dutroux dossier http://bit.ly/9RBPI2 |
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WikiLeaks tweet Why did the Dutroux debate start, now, 16 months after publication? That is a good question. Any guesses? |
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WikiLeaks tweet CIA warns of violent American Jews | JPost http://bit.ly/95i9Lm |
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WikiLeaks tweet WikiLeaks builds a legal shield in Sweden | Reuters http://yhoo.it/cZTUuV |
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WikiLeaks tweet It wrong and disturbing for the press to be talking about 'molestation'. Correct translation: http://bit.ly/cWgC2E |
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WikiLeaks tweet Michael Moore: 'Meet our terrorists' http://bit.ly/b4w8Nv |
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WikiLeaks tweet Good old Pravda to the rescue again: http://bit.ly/dvwILo |
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WikiLeaks tweet The main sites are unavailable during scheduled maintenance work. We apologize for the inconvenience. |
vii) 31 August 2010 Entry: 'SND did not receive any disciplinary reports or adverse spot evaluations and received an above average work and training report.' The entry also notes 'SND was evaluated by the Brig Psychiatrist on 27 August and was recommended to be removed from POI status. The C&A Board reviewed SND on the same date and recommended that he still remain POI. SND remains courteous and respectful to staff and has presented no problems toward staff or inmates thus far. During the interview SND was well spoken, groomed and neat in appearance.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Url: |
Url Link
vi) 27 August 2010 Entry: 'SND has not presented any problems since his last review on 20 August 2010 and has been an overall average detainee.' |
Name(s:) |
Unidentified |
Agency(ies): |
Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive Link
Due to his improvement and adjustment to confinement, on August 27, 2010, the Brig's forensic psychiatrist [CAPT. HOCTER] recommended that PFC Manning be taken off of POI watch and that his confinement classification be changed from MAX to Medium Custody In (MDI).
5.) Life was not much better for me under the previous confinement assignment of POI watch. Like suicide risk, I was held in solitary confinement. For 23 hours per day, I sat in my cell. The guards checked on me every five minutes by asking me if I was okay. I was required to respond in some affirmative manner. At night, if the guard could not see me clearly, because I had a blanket over my head or i was curled up towards the wall, they would wake me in order to ensure that I was okay. I received each of my meals in my cell. I was not allowed to have a pillow or sheets. I was not allowed to have any personal items in my cell. I was only allowed to have one book or magazine at any given time to read. The book or magazine was taken away from me at the end of the day before I went to sleep. I was prevented from exercising in me [sic] cell daily. The guards would take me to an empty room and allow me to walk. I usually walked in figure eights around the room. When I went to sleep, I was required to strip down to my underwear and surrender my clothing to the guards. my clothing was returned to me the next morning. |
Name(s:) |
David Coombs |
Title: |
civilian defense counsel |
Concerning: |
United States v. Pfc. Bradley Manning, Unlawful Pretrial Confinement, Article 13 |
Url: |
Url Link
Archive: |
http://archive.is/3wb5Y |
Due to my improvement and adjustment to confinement, Capt. Hocter recommended on 27 August 2010 that I be taken off of POI watch and that my confinement classification be changed from MAX to Medium Custody In (MDI)...Over the course of the following three months, Capt. Hocter and the Brig forensic psychiatrist, COL Ricky Malone, consistently recommended to CWO4 Averhart that I be taken off POI watch. The only exception to this was on 10 December 2010 when Capt. Hocter recommended that I remain under POI watch for one week. The following week, he once again recommended to CWO4 Averhart that I be removed from POI watch. Despite Capt. Hocter and COL Malone's consistent recommendations, I remained on POI watch and in MAX custody. |
Name(s:) |
Bradley Manning |
Url: |
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30 August 2010 Julian Assange is finally interviewed for the first time, after a delay of ten days that violates police guidelines which call for rapid investigation. As specified by prosecutor #2 [NAME OF PROSECUTOR No. 2], the interview is supposed to concern the one remaining suspected crime of nonsexual molestation. But the police interviewer chooses instead to focus on Assange's sexual relations with Anna Ardin, especially her story about the broken condom. |
Agency(ies): |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
Sweden versus Assange |
Url: |
Url Link
Title: |
Assange & Sweden, Police Interview Protocols |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
Assange & Sweden Protokollen Fran Polisforhoren |
Authoring or Creator Agency: |
Nordic News Network |
Concerning: |
"Sweden versus Assange |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet New WikiLeaks servers placed in nuclear bunker http://bit.ly/cvjdz6 |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet Excellent article: three myths about WikiLeaks | Le Monde Diplomatic http://bit.ly/9meCqn |
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WikiLeaks tweet Shameful US news industry willing to sacrifice WikiLeaks to get shield law http://bit.ly/aNuy5f |
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WikiLeaks tweet Confirm our editor applied for Swedish residency on Aug 18 to obtain prior-restraint protections for WL http://bit.ly/aNuy5f |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet (fix) Confirm our editor applied for Swedish residency on Aug 18 to obtain prior-restraint protections http://bit.ly/czWlGT |
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WikiLeaks tweet Extraordinary paper based on WikiLeaks 911 release is out http://bit.ly/9tkBcx |
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WikiLeaks tweet 911 attacks did NOT reveal terror, but anger | Psychology Today http://bit.ly/addxMK |
Title: |
WikiLeaks tweet The emotional timeline of 911 http://bit.ly/abFMbf |