United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Coleman backers began receiving e-mails Tuesday night from an e-mail address at Wikileaks.org stating that it possessed personal information about them and was preparing to post it online in order to prove the Coleman campaign had been breached.


Knaak said the data posted to Wikileaks appears to be legitimate, though it is packaged in a different way from how it existed on Coleman's servers. He suggested the data might have been stolen instead of breached, and that it might have occurred on a different date.


'People are upset,' Knaak said. 'They don't seem to be upset at us, at least yet. I think it's having its intended effect.'
  Name(s:) Aaron Blake
  Title: Reporter
  Agency(ies): Hill
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/1NdIm
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