United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Lawyers in the Counterespionage Section of the National Security Division deal with all of the espionage and espionage-related statutes regularly. The primary statutes concerning espionage include 18 U.S.C. [Section] 793 and [Section] 794. Generally speaking, Section 793 prohibits anyone from willfully communicating information relating to the national defense to any person not entitled to receive it. The term 'information relating to the national defense' has been defined by case law to mean information that is closely held by the government, usually through proof that the information was classified. Section 793 also criminalizes the willful retention of national defense information, conspiracies to communicate or retain national defense information, and the negligent removal of national defense information from its proper place of custody. The maximum penalty under Section 793 is ten years imprisonment. Section 794 is more narrow than Section 793 because it criminalizes the communication of national defense information to foreign governments, where the communication of information is made with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation. Violations of Section 794 can result in life imprisonment, or, if certain criteria are met, the death penalty can be imposed.
  Name(s:) J. Patrick Rowan
  Title: Deputy Assistant Attorney General
  Agency(ies): National Security Division, Department of Justice
Url: Url Link
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