United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Q: (Inaudible) quoted in the WikiLeaks cables here (inaudible) documents as saying that, you know, it's very hard to get tough with your banker. Do you talking about China. Do you have is that would you agree overall with that and because the Chinese have said that in some quarters they see us as a declining power because of our financial crisis, does that change the nature of the talks with the Chinese from 2007 to now?

SECRETARY GATES: Certainly not from my standpoint. My I make the broader point with people because I've watched this sort of cyclical view of American decline come around two or three times, perhaps most dramatically in the latter half of the 1970s. And my general line for those both at home and around the world who think the U.S. is in decline that history's dustbin is filled with countries that underestimated the resilience of the United States. And I think that I mean, the economic relationship between the United States and China is mutually beneficial. It's not a one-way street. And so I think both countries have an interest in keeping that stable and going forward. So I that kind of thing doesn't you know, the that kind of thing really doesn't much enter into in my thinking.
  Name(s:) Robert Gates
  Title: Secretary of Defense
  Agency(ies): Department of Defense
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/c4m3a
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