United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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Reporting, Analysis, and Advocacy

Embassy Vienna reports well on key developments. Its advocacy was instrumental in concluding two agreements in 2011: one on information sharing related to terrorism and another on combating corruption and serious crime. The embassy also closely engaged the Austrian Parliament in the ratification process to allow these agreements to enter into force.

Political and economic reporting aligns with the embassy's strategic goals, including combating crime and terrorism, strengthening Austria's contributions to regional and global stability, and enhancing European energy security. Embassy reporting, while succinct and consisting mostly of spot reports, usually draws upon multiple sources. Reporting typically provides Washington users with useful context and commentary, as well as biographical information on key figures. Recent examples include reports on European financial issues, nuclear energy, and climate change, as well as several reports on Austria's connections to the evolving situations in Libya and Syria. Washington consumers give embassy reporting high marks for timeliness and responsiveness and for anticipating Washington's needs for specific information. Embassy officers have made progress in restoring trust and key relationships that were damaged by the Wikileaks disclosures.
  Agency(ies): Office of Inspections, Broadcasting Board of Governors, Office of Inspector General, Department of State
Url: Url Link
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