United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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QUESTION: I'm sorry. Do you have a comment on the Wikileaks leaking of all the Syria emails?

MR. VENTRELL: Well, I've seen the initial news reports, as you have. My general reaction is that I don't think we need any more internal documents of the Assad regime to know exactly about ' there is ample evidence about the exact kind of violence that they're perpetrating against their own people. So my initial reaction is that I'm not sure that any additional internal correspondence will change our perspective.

QUESTION: What do you mean by additional?

MR. VENTRELL: Well, what I'm saying is that --

QUESTION: You are in possession of internal Syrian correspondence?

MR. VENTRELL: No, what I'm saying is that it is blatantly clear to the whole world what the Assad regime is doing to its people. And so --

QUESTION: So this is not just --

MR. VENTRELL: Well, we've just seen the initial reports.
  Name(s:) Mark Toner
  Title: Deputy Spokesperson
  Agency(ies): Department of State
Concerning: Syria Files
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/QkcPp
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