United States vs. Manning

A timeline of the U.S. investigation between 2006 to 2013

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The secret Sonic order is dated April 15 and directs Sonic to turn over the same type of information from Mr. [Jacob] Appelbaum's email account dating back to Nov. 1, 2009. On Aug. 31, the court agreed to lift the seal on the Sonic order to provide Mr. Appelbaum a copy of it. Sonic Chief Executive Mr. Jasper said the company also sought to unseal the rest of its legal filings but that request 'came back virtually entirely denied.'


Sonic said it fought the government's order and lost, and was forced to turn over information. Challenging the order was 'rather expensive, but we felt it was the right thing to do,' said Sonic's chief executive, Dane Jasper. The government's request included the email addresses of people Mr. Appelbaum corresponded with the past two years, but not the full emails.
  Name(s:) Julia Angwin
  Title: Reporter
  Agency(ies): Wall Street Journal
Concerning: Grand Jury
Url: Url Link
Archive: http://archive.is/LAzcJ
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